I’m stuck on Stage #PV1 .
This is what I get from the tester as input
[tester::#PV1] Connecting to broker at: localhost:9092
[tester::#PV1] Connection to broker at localhost:9092 successful
[tester::#PV1] Sending "ApiVersions" (version: 4) request (Correlation id: 1112742846)
[tester::#PV1] Hexdump of sent "ApiVersions" request:
[tester::#PV1] Idx | Hex | ASCII
[tester::#PV1] -----+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------
[tester::#PV1] 0000 | 00 00 00 23 00 12 00 04 42 53 1b be 00 09 6b 61 | ...#....BS....ka
[tester::#PV1] 0010 | 66 6b 61 2d 63 6c 69 00 0a 6b 61 66 6b 61 2d 63 | fka-cli..kafka-c
[tester::#PV1] 0020 | 6c 69 04 30 2e 31 00 | li.0.1.
and here is what I am responding with
[your_program] 0014 4253 1bbe 0000 0001 0012 0000 0004
[your_program] 0000 0000 0000
As far as I can tell this is correct, but the test is failing with
[tester::#PV1] error reading from connection: unexpected EOF
[tester::#PV1] Test failed
[tester::#PV1] Terminating program
[tester::#PV1] Program terminated successfully
Any suggestions on how to debug this?
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@raysuliteanu I tried running your code against the previous stages, but it’s no longer passing the second stage.
Use our CLI to test against previous stages by running:
codecrafters test --previous
Focus on fixing the early stages first, as later stages depend on them.
i stuck into the same question:
[tester::#PV1] Running tests for Stage #PV1 (Handle APIVersions requests)
[tester::#PV1] $ ./your_program.sh /tmp/server.properties
[tester::#PV1] Connecting to broker at: localhost:9092
[tester::#PV1] Connection to broker at localhost:9092 successful
[tester::#PV1] Sending "ApiVersions" (version: 4) request (Correlation id: 1609643497)
[tester::#PV1] Hexdump of sent "ApiVersions" request:
[tester::#PV1] Idx | Hex | ASCII
[tester::#PV1] -----+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------
[tester::#PV1] 0000 | 00 00 00 23 00 12 00 04 5f f1 35 e9 00 09 6b 61 | ...#...._.5...ka
[tester::#PV1] 0010 | 66 6b 61 2d 63 6c 69 00 0a 6b 61 66 6b 61 2d 63 | fka-cli..kafka-c
[tester::#PV1] 0020 | 6c 69 04 30 2e 31 00 | li.0.1.
[tester::#PV1] error reading from connection: unexpected EOF
[tester::#PV1] Test failed
[tester::#PV1] Terminating program
[tester::#PV1] Program terminated successfully
my codes follows below:
package main
import (
var _ = net.Listen
var _ = os.Exit
func main() {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to bind to port 9092")
// defer l.Close()
for {
conn, err := l.Accept()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error while accepting the connection: ", err.Error())
go handleConnection(conn)
func handleConnection(conn net.Conn) {
defer conn.Close()
// read the request message
request := make([]byte, 1024)
n, err := conn.Read(request) // n表示实际读取的字节数 n stands for the number of actually read bytes
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
fmt.Println("Reached EOF, connection closed by the server")
fmt.Println("读取请求时出错:", err.Error())
if n < 4 {
// fmt.Printf("十六进制格式: %x\n", request[8:12])
// 准备响应 response
messageSize := binary.BigEndian.Uint32( request[0:4] ) // request message size
request_api_key := binary.BigEndian.Uint16( request[4:6] ) // api_version
request_api_version := binary.BigEndian.Uint16( request[6:8] ) // max_version
correlationID := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(request[8:12]) // extract correlation id
// error codes
error_code := 0
if request_api_version != 0 && request_api_version != 1 && request_api_version != 2 && request_api_version != 3 && request_api_version != 4 {
error_code = 35
// filling response slice
response := make([]byte, 23)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(response[0:4], uint32(messageSize)) // 4 Byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(response[4:8], uint32(correlationID))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(response[8:10], uint16(error_code))
- First Byte: #apikeys +1 -> 2
- Next two bytes: API key; supposed to be 18 according to spec -> 0, 18
- Next two bytes: min version; supposed to be 0 -> 0, 0
- Next two bytes: max version; supposed to be 4 -> 0, 4
- Next byte: TAG_BUFFER -> 0
- Next four bytes: throttle_time_ms -> 0, 0, 0, 0
- Final byte: TAG_BUFFER -> 0
response[10] = 2 // Number of API keys
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(response[11:13], uint16(request_api_key)) // API Key 1 - API_VERSIONS
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(response[13:15], 0 ) // min_version
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(response[15:17], uint16(request_api_version)) // max_version
response[17] = 0 // tagged_fields
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(response[18:22], 0 ) // throttle_time_ms
response[22] = 0 // TAG_BUFFER
// send the response to the cliend
if _, err := conn.Write(response); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error while writing: ", err.Error())
check your response where thee message size should be correct
November 4, 2024, 12:38am
Closing this thread due to inactivity. If you still need assistance, feel free to reopen or start a new discussion!
November 9, 2024, 12:39am
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