Extra test cases running in kafka stage #PV1

I’m stuck on Stage #PV1

My code is passing tests for this stage but tester is running tests from previous stage (#NC5) again and that’s not handled in my code. Are we supposed to evolve code in a way it handles all the previous stages? Am I missing something here?

Here are my logs:

remote: [tester::#PV1] Running tests for Stage #PV1 (Handle APIVersions requests)
remote: [tester::#PV1] $ ./your_program.sh /tmp/server.properties
remote: [tester::#PV1] Connecting to broker at: localhost:9092
remote: [your_program] Logs from your program will appear here!
remote: [tester::#PV1] Connection to broker at localhost:9092 successful
remote: [tester::#PV1] Sending "ApiVersions" (version: 4) request (Correlation id: 1630436662)
remote: [tester::#PV1] Hexdump of sent "ApiVersions" request: 
remote: [tester::#PV1] Idx  | Hex                                             | ASCII
remote: [tester::#PV1] -----+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------
remote: [tester::#PV1] 0000 | 00 00 00 23 00 12 00 04 61 2e 7d 36 00 09 6b 61 | ...#....a.}6..ka
remote: [tester::#PV1] 0010 | 66 6b 61 2d 63 6c 69 00 0a 6b 61 66 6b 61 2d 63 | fka-cli..kafka-c
remote: [tester::#PV1] 0020 | 6c 69 04 30 2e 31 00                            | li.0.1.
remote: [tester::#PV1] 
remote: [tester::#PV1] Hexdump of received "ApiVersions" response: 
remote: [tester::#PV1] Idx  | Hex                                             | ASCII
remote: [tester::#PV1] -----+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------
remote: [tester::#PV1] 0000 | 00 00 00 13 61 2e 7d 36 00 00 02 00 12 00 00 00 | ....a.}6........
remote: [tester::#PV1] 0010 | 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00                            | .......
remote: [tester::#PV1] 
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder] - .ResponseHeader
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .correlation_id (1630436662)
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder] - .ResponseBody
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .error_code (0)
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .num_api_keys (1)
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .ApiKeys[0]
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .api_key (18)
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .min_version (0)
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .max_version (10)
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .TAG_BUFFER
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .throttle_time_ms (0)
remote: [tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .TAG_BUFFER
remote: [tester::#PV1] ✓ Correlation ID: 1630436662
remote: [tester::#PV1] ✓ Error code: 0 (NO_ERROR)
remote: [tester::#PV1] ✓ API keys array is non-empty
remote: [tester::#PV1] ✓ API version 4 is supported for API_VERSIONS
remote: [tester::#PV1] Test passed.
remote: [tester::#PV1] Terminating program
remote: [your_program] Received data: [0 18 0 4] (1630436662)
remote: [tester::#PV1] Program terminated successfully
remote: [tester::#NC5] Running tests for Stage #NC5 (Parse API Version)
remote: [tester::#NC5] $ ./your_program.sh /tmp/server.properties
remote: [tester::#NC5] Connecting to broker at: localhost:9092
remote: [your_program] Logs from your program will appear here!
remote: [tester::#NC5] Connection to broker at localhost:9092 successful
remote: [tester::#NC5] Sending "ApiVersions" (version: -24371) request (Correlation id: 841604514)
remote: [tester::#NC5] Hexdump of sent "ApiVersions" request: 
remote: [tester::#NC5] Idx  | Hex                                             | ASCII
remote: [tester::#NC5] -----+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------
remote: [tester::#NC5] 0000 | 00 00 00 23 00 12 a0 cd 32 29 dd a2 00 09 6b 61 | ...#....2)....ka
remote: [tester::#NC5] 0010 | 66 6b 61 2d 63 6c 69 00 0a 6b 61 66 6b 61 2d 63 | fka-cli..kafka-c
remote: [tester::#NC5] 0020 | 6c 69 04 30 2e 31 00                            | li.0.1.
remote: [tester::#NC5] 
remote: [tester::#NC5] Hexdump of received "ApiVersions" response: 
remote: [tester::#NC5] Idx  | Hex                                             | ASCII
remote: [tester::#NC5] -----+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------
remote: [tester::#NC5] 0000 | 00 00 00 13 32 29 dd a2 00 00 02 00 12 00 00 00 | ....2)..........
remote: [tester::#NC5] 0010 | 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00                            | .......
remote: [tester::#NC5] 
remote: [tester::#NC5] [Decoder] - .Response
remote: [tester::#NC5] [Decoder]   - .message_length (19)
remote: [tester::#NC5] [Decoder] - .ResponseHeader
remote: [tester::#NC5] [Decoder]   - .correlation_id (841604514)
remote: [tester::#NC5] [Decoder]   - .error_code (0)
remote: [tester::#NC5] ✓ Correlation ID: 841604514
remote: [tester::#NC5] Expected Error code to be 35, got 0
remote: [tester::#NC5] Test failed
remote: [tester::#NC5] Terminating program
remote: [your_program] Received data: [0 18 160 205] (841604514)
remote: [tester::#NC5] Program terminated successfully

And here’s a snippet of my code:

        resp := make([]byte, 23)
	// message size
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(resp[0:4], 19)
	copy(resp[4:8], buffer[8:12]) // correlation id

	// API Versions Response Body
	// error code
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(resp[8:10], 0)

	// API Versions array
	// length of array = 1 byte
	resp[10] = 0x02

	// element 1
	// api key (2 bytes), min version (2 bytes), max version (2 bytes), tag buffer (0x00) (1 byte)
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(resp[11:13], 18) // api key
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(resp[13:15], 0)  // min version
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(resp[15:17], 10) // max version
	resp[17] = 0                                // tag buffer
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(resp[18:], 0)    // throttle time
	resp[22] = 0                                // tag buffer

	_, err = conn.Write(resp)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error writing data: ", err.Error())

Are we supposed to evolve code in a way it handles all the previous stages?

Yes, your code should be able to handle all the stages you’ve completed so far.

Feel free to ask for help if you run into any issues!

When we have to hardcode error code as 35 in stage 4 and error code as 0 in stage 5, how can we handle all previous stages?

Ideally, the error_code shouldn’t be hardcoded. The value 35 is specifically for cases where the request_api_version is not between 0 and 4.

Thanks @andy1li. That explains it.

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