Question about pv1: Handle APIVersions requests: Tester receiving extra bytes

When I try to replicate the test in my local environment, the code works but the tester fails.

Tester output:


[tester::#PV1] Running tests for Stage #PV1 (Handle APIVersions requests)
[tester::#PV1] $ ./ /tmp/
[tester::#PV1] Connecting to broker at: localhost:9092
[your_program] Waiting for a client to connect...
[your_program] Logs from your program will appear here!
[tester::#PV1] Connection to broker at localhost:9092 successful
[tester::#PV1] Sending "ApiVersions" (version: 4) request (Correlation id: 526337192)
[tester::#PV1] Hexdump of sent "ApiVersions" request:
[tester::#PV1] Idx  | Hex                                             | ASCII
[tester::#PV1] -----+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------
[tester::#PV1] 0000 | 00 00 00 23 00 12 00 04 1f 5f 44 a8 00 09 6b 61 | ...#....._D...ka
[tester::#PV1] 0010 | 66 6b 61 2d 63 6c 69 00 0a 6b 61 66 6b 61 2d 63 | fka-cli..kafka-c
[tester::#PV1] 0020 | 6c 69 04 30 2e 31 00                            | li.0.1.
[your_program] Client connected
[your_program] Received 39 bytes from client
[your_program] Received API Versions Request: ApiVersionsRequestMessage{RequestHeader{message_size=35, request_api_key=18, request_api_version=4, corellation_id=526337192, client_id=kafka-clo}}
[your_program] Supported version: 4
[your_program] Sending msg to client: ApiVersionsResponseMessage{message_size=23, corellation_id=526337192, error_code=0, api_key=18, api_keys_count=2, min_version=2, max_version=2, throttle_time=0, tagged_fields=TaggedFields{fieldCount=0}, tagged_fields2=TaggedFields{fieldCount=0}}
[your_program] Message sent to client: 23 bytes
[tester::#PV1] Hexdump of received "ApiVersions" response:
[tester::#PV1] Idx  | Hex                                             | ASCII
[tester::#PV1] -----+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------
[tester::#PV1] 0000 | 00 00 00 17 1f 5f 44 a8 00 00 02 00 12 00 02 00 | ....._D.........
[tester::#PV1] 0010 | 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                | ...........
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder] - .ResponseHeader
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .correlation_id (526337192)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder] - .ResponseBody
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .error_code (0)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .num_api_keys (1)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .ApiKeys[0]
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .api_key (18)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .min_version (2)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .max_version (2)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .TAG_BUFFER
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .throttle_time_ms (0)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .TAG_BUFFER
[tester::#PV1] Received:
[tester::#PV1] Hex (bytes 14-22)                               | ASCII
[tester::#PV1] ------------------------------------------------+------------------
[tester::#PV1] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                      | .........
[tester::#PV1]                 ^                                      ^
[tester::#PV1] Error: unexpected 4 bytes remaining in decoder after decoding ApiVersionsResponse
[tester::#PV1] Context:
[tester::#PV1] - ApiVersions v3
[tester::#PV1]   - Response Body
[tester::#PV1] Test failed
[tester::#PV1] Terminating program
[tester::#PV1] Program terminated successfully
[tester::#PV1] Running tests for Stage #PV1 (Handle APIVersions requests)
[tester::#PV1] $ ./ /tmp/
[tester::#PV1] Connecting to broker at: localhost:9092
[your_program] Waiting for a client to connect...
[your_program] Logs from your program will appear here!
[tester::#PV1] Connection to broker at localhost:9092 successful
[tester::#PV1] Sending "ApiVersions" (version: 4) request (Correlation id: 526337192)
[tester::#PV1] Hexdump of sent "ApiVersions" request:
[tester::#PV1] Idx  | Hex                                             | ASCII
[tester::#PV1] -----+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------
[tester::#PV1] 0000 | 00 00 00 23 00 12 00 04 1f 5f 44 a8 00 09 6b 61 | ...#....._D...ka
[tester::#PV1] 0010 | 66 6b 61 2d 63 6c 69 00 0a 6b 61 66 6b 61 2d 63 | fka-cli..kafka-c
[tester::#PV1] 0020 | 6c 69 04 30 2e 31 00                            | li.0.1.
[your_program] Client connected
[your_program] Received 39 bytes from client
[your_program] Received API Versions Request: ApiVersionsRequestMessage{RequestHeader{message_size=35, request_api_key=18, request_api_version=4, corellation_id=526337192, client_id=kafka-clo}}
[your_program] Supported version: 4
[your_program] Sending msg to client: ApiVersionsResponseMessage{message_size=23, corellation_id=526337192, error_code=0, api_key=18, api_keys_count=2, min_version=2, max_version=2, throttle_time=0, tagged_fields=TaggedFields{fieldCount=0}, tagged_fields2=TaggedFields{fieldCount=0}}
[your_program] Message sent to client: 23 bytes
[tester::#PV1] Hexdump of received "ApiVersions" response:
[tester::#PV1] Idx  | Hex                                             | ASCII
[tester::#PV1] -----+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------
[tester::#PV1] 0000 | 00 00 00 17 1f 5f 44 a8 00 00 02 00 12 00 02 00 | ....._D.........
[tester::#PV1] 0010 | 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                | ...........
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder] - .ResponseHeader
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .correlation_id (526337192)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder] - .ResponseBody
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .error_code (0)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .num_api_keys (1)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .ApiKeys[0]
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .api_key (18)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .min_version (2)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .max_version (2)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]     - .TAG_BUFFER
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .throttle_time_ms (0)
[tester::#PV1] [Decoder]   - .TAG_BUFFER
[tester::#PV1] Received:
[tester::#PV1] Hex (bytes 14-22)                               | ASCII
[tester::#PV1] ------------------------------------------------+------------------
[tester::#PV1] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                      | .........
[tester::#PV1]                 ^                                      ^
[tester::#PV1] Error: unexpected 4 bytes remaining in decoder after decoding ApiVersionsResponse
[tester::#PV1] Context:
[tester::#PV1] - ApiVersions v3
[tester::#PV1]   - Response Body
[tester::#PV1] Test failed
[tester::#PV1] Terminating program
[tester::#PV1] Program terminated successfully

But trying to replicate the same in my local environment

./ # in terminal 1
-- Running vcpkg install
All requested packages are currently installed.
Total install time: 1.46 us
-- Running vcpkg install - done
-- Configuring done (0.5s)
-- Generating done (0.2s)
-- Build files have been written to: /mnt/d/CodeCrafters/codecrafters-kafka-cpp/build
[100%] Built target kafka
Waiting for a client to connect...
Logs from your program will appear here!
Client connected
Received 39 bytes from client
Received API Versions Request: ApiVersionsRequestMessage{RequestHeader{message_size=35, request_api_key=18, request_api_version=4, corellation_id=1113080347, client_id=@j�@��}}
Supported version: 4
Sending msg to client: ApiVersionsResponseMessage{message_size=23, corellation_id=1113080347, error_code=0, api_key=18, api_keys_count=2, min_version=2, max_version=2, throttle_time=0, tagged_fields=TaggedFields{fieldCount=0}, tagged_fields2=TaggedFields{fieldCount=0}}
Message sent to client: 23 bytes
Closing file descriptor 4
Closing file descriptor 3

$ echo -n "00000023001200044258421b00096b61666b612d636c69000a6b61666b612d636c6904302e3100" | xxd -r -p | nc localhost 9092 | hexdump -C # in terminal 2
00000000  00 00 00 17 42 58 42 1b  00 00 02 00 12 00 02 00  |....BXB.........|
00000010  02 00 00 00 00 00 00                              |.......|

$  echo -n "00000023001200044258421b00096b61666b612d636c69000a6b61666b612d636c6904302e3100" | xxd -r -p | nc localhost 9092 | wc --bytes # in terminal 2

I am not sure why the tester is receiving more than 23 bytes while my localhost receives exactly 23 bytes.

My write function for reference.

// Uses C++20 concepts. Templated function on a 23 byte struct
void TCPManager::writeBufferOnClientFd(const Fd &client_fd,
                                       const auto &response_message) const {

    std::cout << "Sending msg to client: " << response_message.toString()
              << "\n";

    std::string buffer = response_message.toBuffer();

    // Write message Length
    if (write(client_fd,, buffer.size()) != buffer.size()) {
        perror("send failed: ");
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to send msgLen to client: ");

    std::cout << "Message sent to client: " << buffer.size() << " bytes\n";

    // Flush and close write side
    // int optval = 1;
    // setsockopt(client_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &optval, sizeof(optval));
    // shutdown(client_fd, SHUT_WR);

    // Hack to keep the program running for a while so that netcat can read the
    //  buffer
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;

I have also pushed my code to master for reference.

Hi @silversword05, could you elaborate a bit on “the tester is receiving more than 23 bytes”?

Hi @andy1li , thanks for looking into this. I was trying multiple things and I pasted the wrong output. I have updated the write functions and output slightly. You can now see that the tester receives 4 extra bytes that I don’t see when I try to repeat this locally.

Can you provide me the exact command the tester is running so that I can try it locally?

Absolutely, here’s the source code of our tester for this stage (#PV1):

Okay I could resolve the issue. Basically, I was writing message size wrong (message size should exclude the first 4 bytes of itself). That’s why the tester was seeing the extra 4 bytes.

TBH I think the description should include message formats and details like this. I used “strace” with the code example (thanks to you for providing one working example) to trace the network calls and discovered this issue.


We’re actively working on releasing the instructions for stage #PV1. In the meantime, feel free to review the structure of API Versions Response (v4) at BinspecVisualizer.

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