Testing Interpreter challenge myself

If I were to continue working on the interpreter, beyond what the modules already have(and the extenders), how would I test it myself? I am working in Go.

From what I can tell, there’s a couple cmd line arguments passed to the program, and a file is generated with the test text inside for the interpreter to, well, interpret. Some more clarification on what those commands are and where/what is in that file would be nice so that I could test the program myself locally.

@apmsabee if you’re looking to implement chapters that we haven’t yet created tests for, best bet is to follow the book. Can’t share much other than what the book says until we have tests implemented for the rest of the chapters.

I’m more interested in how the actual tests are run on my program. I’m brand new to Go so I’m unfamiliar with it’s command line arguments, and I’d like to know more about what is actually contained in the file used for testing so I can replicate some of it myself.

Ah, you should see this printed out in test logs - we use your_program.sh in the tests, you can use the same for testing locally. If you look at the your_program.sh file you’ll see that it calls go build internally.

Hope this helps!

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