New challenge: Build your own shell

We’ve got a new challenge in beta for you this weekend!

Build your own shell, the most voted so far. Learn about shell command parsing, REPLs, builtin commands (echo, exit etc.) and more.

Currently available in Rust/Python/Go. We’ll expand language support next week + launch an extension too.

Please give this a try and let us know where the rough edges are! @ryan-gang (author of this challenge) and I will be hanging out here to help :slightly_smiling_face:

The challenge will be free for a month or so while it’s in beta, so if you’ve got friends you aren’t CodeCrafters members they can try it too!

The tester code is open-source as always, if anyone wants to poke around: GitHub - codecrafters-io/shell-tester: Tester for the shell challenge.


Cannot create topic on forum with challenge:shell tag.

Good catch, should be fixed now!

While we’re talking about topics, is it possible that challenge:http-serve could be migrated to challenge:http-server?

The little things drive people crazy sometimes. :disguised_face:

Fixed! Discourse had a default max limit which I’ve changed now :slightly_smiling_face:

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