I’ve started the free create your own shell challenge. While it has been fun and I’ve learned a few things about shells and my programming language of choice, I feel like there is a disconnect between submitting the solutions to the stages and understanding why what I’m doing constitutes creating a shell. For example, there is only the smallest mention of what a shell is, what it means to be POSIX compliant. I also find it extremely hard to believe that my implementation would be in any way considered good since it’s not necessarily following best practices, etc. I feel like a comparison with an implementation of a real shell would be needed here. I understand real implementations would be much more complex, but I think it’d be useful to have some points of comparison at least.
To address these issues, I thought about diving in even deeper on the challenge and writing my learnings on a blog. However, I realized this may be prohibited by the terms of service. Is there any way I could still do this? Maybe I could submit PRs with my content and thus we could start building “official” in-depth blogs or posts on the challenges, their background, etc etc. I guess the blogs would have to be private and behind a paywall.