I’m stuck on Stage #(Redirection - Redirect stdout, ex. #JV1).
Here are my logs:
remote: [tester::#JV1] Running tests for Stage #JV1 (Redirection - Redirect stdout)
remote: [tester::#JV1] Running ./your_program.sh
remote: [tester::#JV1] Writing file "/tmp/qux/mango" with content "mango"
remote: [tester::#JV1] Writing file "/tmp/qux/orange" with content "orange"
remote: [tester::#JV1] Writing file "/tmp/qux/pineapple" with content "pineapple"
remote: [your-program] $ ls /tmp/qux > /tmp/foo/bar.md
remote: [your-program] $ cat /tmp/foo/bar.md
remote: [your-program] mango
remote: [your-program] orange
remote: [your-program] pineapple
remote: [tester::#JV1] ✓ Received redirected file content
remote: [your-program] $ echo 'Hello Emily' 1> /tmp/foo/baz.md
remote: [your-program] $ cat /tmp/foo/baz.md
remote: [your-program] Hello Emily
remote: [tester::#JV1] ✓ Received redirected file content
remote: [your-program] $ cat /tmp/qux/orange nonexistent 1> /tmp/foo/qux.md
remote: [your-program] cat: nonexistent: No such file or directory
remote: [tester::#JV1] ✓ Received error message
remote: [your-program] $ cat /tmp/foo/qux.md
remote: [your-program] /tmp/foo/qux.md does not exist
remote: [tester::#JV1] Output does not match expected value.
remote: [tester::#JV1] Expected: "orange"
remote: [tester::#JV1] Received: "/tmp/foo/qux.md does not exist" // that's a call from me to see if that file exists on your machine while running the tests
remote: [your-program] cat: /tmp/foo/qux.md: No such file or directory
remote: [your-program] $
remote: [tester::#JV1] Assertion failed.
remote: [tester::#JV1] Test failed
And here’s a snippet of my code:
// That's my cat fn.
fn cat(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, cmd: []const u8, writer: std.fs.File.Writer) !std.ArrayList([]const u8) {
const file_paths = std.mem.trim(u8, cmd[3..], " ");
const delimiters: []const u8 = if (isSingleQuote(file_paths)) "'" else if (isDoubleQuote(file_paths)) "\"" else " ";
var concatenated = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
var it = std.mem.tokenizeAny(u8, file_paths, delimiters);
while (it.next()) |file_path| {
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, file_path, "nonexistent") and !fileExists(file_path)) {
try writer.print("{s} does not exist\n", .{file_path});
const file_contents = listFile(allocator, file_path) catch |e| switch (e) {
error.IsDir => {
// try writer.print("1 listFile error={s}\n", .{@errorName(e)});
const sep: []const u8 = &.{getSystemLineSep()};
const maybe_backslash_idx = std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, file_path, sep);
// try writer.print("getSystemLineSep={s}\n", .{sep});
if (maybe_backslash_idx) |backslash_idx| {
const sub_folder_path = file_path[0..backslash_idx];
// try writer.print("sub_folder_path={s}\n", .{sub_folder_path});
const file_content = try listFile(allocator, sub_folder_path);
try concatenated.append(file_content);
} else {
try writer.print("cat: {s}: No such file or directory\n", .{file_path});
else => {
// try writer.print("1 listFile error={s}\n", .{@errorName(e)});
try writer.print("cat: {s}: No such file or directory\n", .{file_path});
try concatenated.append(file_contents);
return concatenated;
// That's how I check if file exists or not:
fn fileExists(path: []const u8) bool {
std.fs.cwd().access(path, .{}) catch return false;
return true;
I have tried the real ‘cat’ implementation in a real bash shell and the real cat stops at first file which does not exist:
$ cat f.txt nonexistent 1> f1.txt
cat: nonexistent: No such file or directory
My question is related to the fact that the first cat /tmp/foo/baz.md
works, but the second one does not cat /tmp/foo/qux.md
. I am not sure if the problem is in my code (which wouldn’t be a big surprise) or I am missing something.
I also don’t get when the /tmp/foo/qux.md
file is/was created?