I’m stuck on Stage #cq1.
I’ve tried everything.
**Here are my logs: **
remote: [tester::#CQ1] Running tests for Stage #CQ1 (Evaluating Expressions - Runtime Errors: Binary Operators (2/2))
remote: [tester::#CQ1] [test-1] Running test case: 1
remote: [tester::#CQ1] [test-1] Writing contents to ./test.lox:
remote: [tester::#CQ1] [test-1] [test.lox] “bar” + true
remote: [tester::#CQ1] [test-1] $ ./your_program.sh evaluate test.lox
remote: [your_program] bartrue
remote: [tester::#CQ1] [test-1] expected exit code 70, got 0
remote: [tester::#CQ1] [test-1] Test failed
python script:
from typing import Union
from token_types import Token, TokenType
from runtime_error import RuntimeError
from decimal import Decimal
from my_parser import Expr
import sys
class Evaluator:
def evaluate(self, expr: Expr) -> Union[Decimal, str, None]:
if isinstance(expr, Expr.Literal):
return self.evaluate_literal(expr)
elif isinstance(expr, Expr.Unary):
return self.evaluate_unary(expr)
elif isinstance(expr, Expr.Binary):
return self.evaluate_binary(expr)
elif isinstance(expr, Expr.Grouping):
return self.evaluate(expr.expression)
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected expression type: {type(expr)}")
except RuntimeError as e:
sys.exit(70) # Ensure we exit with code 70 for runtime errors
def evaluate_literal(self, expr: Expr.Literal) -> Union[Decimal, str, None]:
if expr.value is True:
return "true"
elif expr.value is False:
return "false"
elif expr.value is None:
return "nil"
elif isinstance(expr.value, (int, float)):
return Decimal(expr.value)
elif isinstance(expr.value, str):
return expr.value
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected literal value: {expr.value}")
def evaluate_unary(self, expr: Expr.Unary) -> Union[Decimal, str, None]:
right = self.evaluate(expr.right)
if expr.operator.type == TokenType.BANG:
if right == "true":
return "false"
elif right == "false" or right == "nil":
return "true"
elif isinstance(right, (Decimal, int)):
return "false"
raise RuntimeError(expr.operator, "Invalid operand type for unary '!'")
elif expr.operator.type == TokenType.MINUS:
if not isinstance(right, (Decimal, int)):
raise RuntimeError(expr.operator, "Operand must be a number.")
return -Decimal(right)
raise RuntimeError(expr.operator, f"Unknown unary operator: {expr.operator}")
def evaluate_binary(self, expr: Expr.Binary) -> Union[Decimal, str, None]:
left = self.evaluate(expr.left)
right = self.evaluate(expr.right)
if expr.operator.type == TokenType.PLUS:
if isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, str):
return left + right
elif isinstance(left, (Decimal, int)) and isinstance(right, (Decimal, int)):
return Decimal(left) + Decimal(right)
raise RuntimeError(expr.operator, "Operands must be two numbers or two strings.")
elif expr.operator.type == TokenType.MINUS:
if isinstance(left, (Decimal, int)) and isinstance(right, (Decimal, int)):
return Decimal(left) - Decimal(right)
raise RuntimeError(expr.operator, "Operands must be numbers.")
elif expr.operator.type == TokenType.STAR:
if isinstance(left, (Decimal, int)) and isinstance(right, (Decimal, int)):
return Decimal(left) * Decimal(right)
raise RuntimeError(expr.operator, "Operands must be numbers.")
elif expr.operator.type == TokenType.SLASH:
if isinstance(left, (Decimal, int)) and isinstance(right, (Decimal, int)):
if right == 0:
raise RuntimeError(expr.operator, "Division by zero is not allowed.")
return Decimal(left) / Decimal(right)
raise RuntimeError(expr.operator, "Operands must be numbers.")
elif expr.operator.type in {
TokenType.GREATER, TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL, TokenType.LESS,
return self.evaluate_comparison(expr.operator, left, right)
raise RuntimeError(expr.operator, f"Unexpected binary operator: {expr.operator}")
def evaluate_comparison(self, operator: Token, left: Union[Decimal, str], right: Union[Decimal, str]) -> str:
if isinstance(left, (Decimal, int)) and isinstance(right, (Decimal, int)):
if operator.type == TokenType.GREATER:
return "true" if left > right else "false"
elif operator.type == TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL:
return "true" if left >= right else "false"
elif operator.type == TokenType.LESS:
return "true" if left < right else "false"
elif operator.type == TokenType.LESS_EQUAL:
return "true" if left <= right else "false"
elif operator.type == TokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL:
return "true" if left == right else "false"
elif operator.type == TokenType.BANG_EQUAL:
return "true" if left != right else "false"
raise RuntimeError(operator, "Operands must be numbers.")
def runtime_error(self, error: RuntimeError) -> None:
print(f"{error.args[1]}\n[line {error.operator.line}]", file=sys.stderr)