I’m stuck on Replication > Stage 1.
Not exactly sure what’s going on.
there are quite a few retries that get triggered (probably because downloading the dependencies take a bit of time, since spawn_redis_server.sh uses lein run "$@"
But eventually it manages to connect.
Afterwords the tests try to run “Stage 7” that it looks like it can’t connect.
The reason for the deps is i’m using aleph (clojure non blocking tcp lib)
Here are my relevant bit of my logs logs:
[your_program] Retrieving clj-tuple/clj-tuple/0.2.2/clj-tuple-0.2.2.jar from clojars
[your_program] Retrieving fipp/fipp/0.6.26/fipp-0.6.26.jar from clojars
[your_program] Retrieving org/clj-commons/dirigiste/1.0.3/dirigiste-1.0.3.jar from clojars
[your_program] Retrieving mvxcvi/arrangement/2.1.0/arrangement-2.1.0.jar from clojars
[your_program] Retrieving borkdude/dynaload/0.3.5/dynaload-0.3.5.jar from clojars
[your_program] Retrieving borkdude/edamame/1.3.20/edamame-1.3.20.jar from clojars
[replication-1] Failed to connect to port 6381, retrying in 1s
[replication-1] Failed to connect to port 6381, retrying in 1s
[replication-1] Failed to connect to port 6381, retrying in 1s
[replication-1] Failed to connect to port 6381, retrying in 1s
[replication-1] Failed to connect to port 6381, retrying in 1s
[your_program] starting server on port 6381
[replication-1] Test passed.
[stage-7] Running tests for Stage #7: Expiry
[stage-7] $ ./spawn_redis_server.sh
[stage-7] dial tcp [::1]:6379: connect: connection refused
[stage-7] Test failed (try setting 'debug: true' in your codecrafters.yml to see more details)
View our article on debugging test failures: https://codecrafters.io/debug