Hi All,
Need help in debugging this stage (replication -11). I am able to individually run a master, replica and connect with redis-cli clients to the master to watch the logs on the replication. The tester program expecting some output which I am not able to figure out, the logs are so general.
Any help appreciated
code : toy-redis-python/app/main.py at master · Jothikumar-ekanath/toy-redis-python · GitHub
Below are the console Logs
Debug = true
[replication-11] Running tests for Replication > Stage #11: Single-replica propagation
[replication-11] $ ./spawn_redis_server.sh --port 6379
[your_program] master - Starting the server coroutine on port 6379
[your_program] master - Server running on (‘’, 6379)
[replication-11] replica: $ redis-cli PING
[replication-11] replica: Sent bytes: “*1\r\n$4\r\nPING\r\n”
[replication-11] replica: Received bytes: “+PONG\r\n”
[replication-11] replica: Received RESP value: “PONG”
[your_program] master - Waiting for the next command from the client…(‘::1’, 55828, 0, 0)
[your_program] master - Waiting for the next command from the client…(‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[your_program] master - RESP parsed_req: [‘PING’] for client (‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[your_program] master - Waiting for the next command from the client…(‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[replication-11] Received “PONG”
[replication-11] replica: $ redis-cli REPLCONF listening-port 6380
[replication-11] replica: Sent bytes: “*3\r\n$8\r\nREPLCONF\r\n$14\r\nlistening-port\r\n$4\r\n6380\r\n”
[replication-11] replica: Received bytes: “+OK\r\n”
[replication-11] replica: Received RESP value: “OK”
[your_program] master - RESP parsed_req: [‘REPLCONF’, ‘listening-port’, ‘6380’] for client (‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[your_program] master - Replica connections added for (‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[your_program] master - Waiting for the next command from the client…(‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[replication-11] Received “OK”
[replication-11] replica: $ redis-cli REPLCONF capa psync2
[replication-11] replica: Sent bytes: “*3\r\n$8\r\nREPLCONF\r\n$4\r\ncapa\r\n$6\r\npsync2\r\n”
[replication-11] replica: Received bytes: “+OK\r\n”
[replication-11] replica: Received RESP value: “OK”
[your_program] master - RESP parsed_req: [‘REPLCONF’, ‘capa’, ‘psync2’] for client (‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[your_program] master - Waiting for the next command from the client…(‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[replication-11] Received “OK”
[replication-11] replica: $ redis-cli PSYNC ? -1
[replication-11] replica: Sent bytes: “*3\r\n$5\r\nPSYNC\r\n$1\r\n?\r\n$2\r\n-1\r\n”
[replication-11] replica: Received bytes: “+FULLRESYNC 8371b4fb1155b71f4a04d3e1bc3e18c4a990aeeb 0\r\n”
[replication-11] replica: Received RESP value: “FULLRESYNC 8371b4fb1155b71f4a04d3e1bc3e18c4a990aeeb 0”
[replication-11] Received “FULLRESYNC 8371b4fb1155b71f4a04d3e1bc3e18c4a990aeeb 0”
[replication-11] Reading RDB file…
[your_program] master - RESP parsed_req: [‘PSYNC’, ‘?’, ‘-1’] for client (‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[your_program] master - Waiting for the next command from the client…(‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[replication-11] replica: Received bytes: “$88\r\nREDIS0011\xfa\tredis-ver\x057.2.0\xfa\nredis-bits\xc0@\xfa\x05ctime\xc2m\b\xbce\xfa\bused-mem°\xc4\x10\x00\xfa\baof-base\xc0\x00\xff\xf0n;\xfe\xc0\xffZ\xa2”
[replication-11] Received RDB file
[replication-11] client: $ redis-cli SET foo 123
[replication-11] client: Sent bytes: “*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\n123\r\n”
[replication-11] client: Received bytes: “+OK\r\n”
[replication-11] client: Received RESP value: “OK”
[your_program] master - RESP parsed_req: [‘SET’, ‘foo’, ‘123’] for client (‘::1’, 55828, 0, 0)
[your_program] sent b’*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\n123\r\n’ to replica (‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[your_program] master - Waiting for the next command from the client…(‘::1’, 55828, 0, 0)
[replication-11] Received “OK”
[replication-11] client: $ redis-cli SET bar 456
[replication-11] client: Sent bytes: “*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n$3\r\n456\r\n”
[your_program] master - RESP parsed_req: [‘SET’, ‘bar’, ‘456’] for client (‘::1’, 55828, 0, 0)
[your_program] sent b’*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n$3\r\n456\r\n’ to replica (‘::1’, 55832, 0, 0)
[your_program] master - Waiting for the next command from the client…(‘::1’, 55828, 0, 0)
**[replication-11] Received: “” (no content received)**
**[replication-11] ^ error**
**[replication-11] Error: Expected start of a new RESP2 value (either +, -, :, $ or *)**
**[replication-11] Test failed**
[replication-11] Terminating program
[replication-11] Program terminated successfully