I’m stuck on Stage #JV1.
The shell tester expects a wrong input.
Your team has probably developed the test on a non-busybox distro, but your test runs on Alpine.
The test expects: cat: <filename>: No such file or directory
But BusyBox outputs: cat: can't open '<filename>': No such file or directory
As your test runs are running on Alpine 3.18.5:
$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.18"
We can easily verify this using a Docker container:
$ docker run --rm alpine:3.18.5 cat abc
cat: can't open 'abc': No such file or directory
Everyone seems to be stuck at the very first step.
Except @amavrin, who replaced the error in the output cat content (thanks to the Code Example tab):
func hackStderr(e string) string {
pattern := `cat: can't open '([^']*)': No such file or directory`
replace := `cat: $1: No such file or directory`
re := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
result := re.ReplaceAllString(e, replace)
return result