Seeing an issue when I'm parsing the `sqlite_schema` table the same as other tables

I’m stuck on Stage #AZ9

I’ve tried to parse the schema cells as we do for other table cells and I see that this doesn’t give me correct results (ie. the sql (column at index 4 of the sqlite_schema table) column is incomplete and is of the blob data type for the apple and oranges tables of the pre-existing ./sample.db)

I saw the following piece of code in the code example and it works:

Why this difference in treatment, when compared to parsing cells from pages of other tables?

Github link (where the sqlite_schema table was treated no differently to others)

Could someone guide me to the relevant section in the documentation, or am I doing something wrong?

I’ll take a look and try to get back to you by early next week.

Sure, thanks a ton.

Hi @aca123321, could you elaborate on how you determined that:

the sql (column at index 4 of the sqlite_schema table) column is incomplete and is of the blob data type for the apple and oranges tables

Could someone guide me to the relevant section in the documentation

FYI, here’re the values in sample.db: