How to read a cell header? : SQLite Challenge stage2 Print number of table

Could you please help me to read a sample.db file?


I’m trying to count all cells with a type of table in the SQLite sample.db file. To do this, I need to interpret the cell header, but I’m having trouble understanding the byte sequences involved.

For example, the record for row_id = 1 of the apples table, starting from offset 3983, is as follows:

% xxd -s 3983 -l 128 -C sample.db
00000f8f: 6f01 0717 1919 0181 3974 6162 6c65 6170  o.......9tableap
00000f9f: 706c 6573 6170 706c 6573 0243 5245 4154  plesapples.CREAT
00000faf: 4520 5441 424c 4520 6170 706c 6573 0a28  E TABLE apples.(
00000fbf: 0a09 6964 2069 6e74 6567 6572 2070 7269 integer pri
00000fcf: 6d61 7279 206b 6579 2061 7574 6f69 6e63  mary key autoinc
00000fdf: 7265 6d65 6e74 2c0a 096e 616d 6520 7465  rement, te
00000fef: 7874 2c0a 0963 6f6c 6f72 2074 6578 740a  xt,..color text.
00000fff: 290d 0000 0004 0fa1 000f e30f d60f bd0f  )...............

I’ve interpreted this as follows:

Starting from offset 3983:

  • The first 1B … payload size → 111
  • The next 1B … row_id → 1
  • The next 1B … Unknown → 7
  • The next 1B … serial type of type column → 23 → value length is (23 - 13) / 2 B
  • The next 1B … serial type of name column → 26 → value length is (26 - 13) / 2 B
  • The next 1B … serial type of tbl_name column → 26 → value length is (26 - 13) / 2 B
  • The next 1B … serial type of rootpage column → 1
  • The next 1B … serial type of sql column → 129 → value length is (129 - 13) / 2 B
  • The next 1B … Unknown → 57 → unknown value length is (57 - 13) / 2 B?
  • The next 5B … value of type column → ‘table’
  • The next 6B … value of name column → ‘apples’
  • The next 6B … value of tbl_name column → ‘apples’
  • The next 6B … value of tbl_name column → ‘2’
  • The next 58B … value of sql column → ‘CREATE TABLE apples\n(\n\tid integer primary key autoincremen’
  • The next 22B … value of sql column → 't,\n\tname text,\n\tcolor ’

There are two points I don’t understand:

  1. What does the 1B between row_id and serial types represent? According to the SQLite documentation, the row_id should be immediately followed by the payload, i.e., the array of serial types.

Table B-Tree Leaf Cell (header 0x0d): A varint which is the total number of bytes of payload, including any overflow A varint which is the integer key, a.k.a. “rowid” The initial portion of the payload that does not spill to overflow pages. A 4-byte big-endian integer page number for the first page of the overflow page list - omitted if all payload fits on the b-tree page.

  1. What does the 1B representing the serial type of the sql column (with a value of 57) indicate? Additionally, I’m concerned that the actual content length of the sql column exceeds the size that can be calculated from the serial type

I found the following description.

A record contains a header and a body, in that order. The header begins with a single varint which determines the total number of bytes in the header.

I solved this issue.
Initially, I didn’t understand how varints work. They should be decoded using the following logic

def decode_varint(byte_stream):
    result = 0
    shift = 0
    for byte in byte_stream:
        result = (result << 7) | (byte & 0b01111111)
        if not (byte & 0b10000000):
            return result
    raise ValueError("Unexpected end of byte stream")

This is a complete byte analysis result.

================ page header ================
page_type                       : 13
first_freeblock                 : 0
number_of_cells                 : 3
cell_content_area               : 3779
number_of_fragmented_free_bytes : 0
right_most_pointer              : None
=============== cell header ================= 
No 0
  pointer                : 3779
  payload_size           : 120
  row id                 : 3
  header_size            : 7
  number of serial types : 5
  number of contents     : 5
   each content info
    - serial type              : 23
      serial type pointer      : 3782
      content size             : 5
      content                  : b'table'
      content pointer          : 3788
    - serial type              : 27
      serial type pointer      : 3783
      content size             : 7
      content                  : b'oranges'
      content pointer          : 3793
    - serial type              : 27
      serial type pointer      : 3784
      content size             : 7
      content                  : b'oranges'
      content pointer          : 3800
    - serial type              : 1
      serial type pointer      : 3785
      content size             : 1
      content                  : b'\x04'
      content pointer          : 3807
    - serial type              : 199
      serial type pointer      : 3787
      content size             : 93
      content                  : b'CREATE TABLE oranges\n(\n\tid integer primary key autoincrement,\n\tname text,\n\tdescription text\n)'
      content pointer          : 3808
=============== cell header ================= 
No 1
  pointer                : 3901
  payload_size           : 80
  row id                 : 2
  header_size            : 6
  number of serial types : 5
  number of contents     : 5
   each content info
    - serial type              : 23
      serial type pointer      : 3904
      content size             : 5
      content                  : b'table'
      content pointer          : 3909
    - serial type              : 43
      serial type pointer      : 3905
      content size             : 15
      content                  : b'sqlite_sequence'
      content pointer          : 3914
    - serial type              : 43
      serial type pointer      : 3906
      content size             : 15
      content                  : b'sqlite_sequence'
      content pointer          : 3929
    - serial type              : 1
      serial type pointer      : 3907
      content size             : 1
      content                  : b'\x03'
      content pointer          : 3944
    - serial type              : 89
      serial type pointer      : 3908
      content size             : 38
      content                  : b'CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)'
      content pointer          : 3945
=============== cell header ================= 
No 2
  pointer                : 3983
  payload_size           : 111
  row id                 : 1
  header_size            : 7
  number of serial types : 5
  number of contents     : 5
   each content info
    - serial type              : 23
      serial type pointer      : 3986
      content size             : 5
      content                  : b'table'
      content pointer          : 3992
    - serial type              : 25
      serial type pointer      : 3987
      content size             : 6
      content                  : b'apples'
      content pointer          : 3997
    - serial type              : 25
      serial type pointer      : 3988
      content size             : 6
      content                  : b'apples'
      content pointer          : 4003
    - serial type              : 1
      serial type pointer      : 3989
      content size             : 1
      content                  : b'\x02'
      content pointer          : 4009
    - serial type              : 185
      serial type pointer      : 3991
      content size             : 86
      content                  : b'CREATE TABLE apples\n(\n\tid integer primary key autoincrement,\n\tname text,\n\tcolor text\n)'
      content pointer          : 4010
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