Sample.torrent won't work using transmission torrent client in ubuntu

I use transmission torrent client which comes with Ubuntu. Works for regular torrents I find on internet but when I load sample.torrent from the challenge it doesn’t work. It fails to connect to any peers. Why is that?

@lfmunoz Our end-to-end tests use aria2 to verify that everything is working as expected. Could you give aria2 a try as well?

I just tested the mac version of Transmission, and it successfully downloaded the sample.txt. However, I couldn’t get Xunlei (a BitTorrent client) to connect to any peers, like your situation with Transmission on Ubuntu.

For your reference, here’s how I investigated the issue:

  1. I used Wireshark to capture the communication between Xunlei and our tracker, and found that the response from our tracker contained no peers:

  1. I inspected the request to our tracker and found some discrepancies in the params:

    • Xunlei set the left param as 0, and
    • added an additional event: started param

  1. After I manually modified left to any non-zero value, our tracker would respond with peers once again.

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