.rdb file missing in test for `#GC6` "Read a string value"

Adding the results for the “Read a Key” test and “Read a string value” which shows that the .rdb file exists there, but not in the next test.

I log the files found in the -dir path to the console. You can see the .rdb file in the first test but not in the 2nd, resulting in FileNotFoundError

[tester::#JZ6] Running tests for Stage #JZ6 (RDB Persistence - Read a key)
[tester::#JZ6] Created RDB file with single key: "blueberry"
[tester::#JZ6] $ ./your_program.sh --dir /tmp/rdbfiles3032436844 --dbfilename mango.rdb
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:12: printing files: in /tmp/rdbfiles3032436844
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:17: mango.rdb
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:18: *** END PRINTING FILES ***
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:38: opening db: mango.rdb
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:59: store: {'blueberry': {'value': 'pineapple', 'expiry': None}}
[your_program] [DEBUG] main:15: database config: {'directory': '/tmp/rdbfiles3032436844', 'dbfilename': 'mango.rdb'}
[your_program] EOF
[your_program] [DEBUG] main:42: Server is listening on port 6379...
[tester::#JZ6] client: $ redis-cli KEYS *
[tester::#JZ6] client: Sent bytes: "*2\r\n$4\r\nKEYS\r\n$1\r\n*\r\n"
[your_program] [DEBUG] main:19: Accepted connection from ('::1', 50932, 0, 0)
[your_program] [DEBUG] main:27: Received b'*2\r\n$4\r\nKEYS\r\n$1\r\n*\r\n' from ('::1', 50932, 0, 0)
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:86: split_data: ['*2', '$4', 'KEYS', '$1', '*', '']
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:87: split_data[2]: KEYS
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:38: opening db: mango.rdb
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:59: store: {'blueberry': {'value': 'pineapple', 'expiry': None}}
[your_program] EOF
[your_program] [DEBUG] main:32: Sent b'*1\r\n$9\r\nblueberry\r\n' to ('::1', 50932, 0, 0)
[your_program] [DEBUG] main:33: database: {'blueberry': {'value': 'pineapple', 'expiry': None}}
[tester::#JZ6] client: Received bytes: "*1\r\n$9\r\nblueberry\r\n"
[tester::#JZ6] client: Received RESP array: ["blueberry"]
[tester::#JZ6] Received ["blueberry"]
[tester::#JZ6] Test passed.
[tester::#JZ6] Terminating program
[tester::#JZ6] Program terminated successfully

[tester::#ZG5] Running tests for Stage #ZG5 (RDB Persistence - RDB file config)
[tester::#ZG5] $ ./your_program.sh --dir /tmp/rdbfiles1184649393 --dbfilename grape.rdb
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:12: printing files: in /tmp/rdbfiles1184649393
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:18: *** END PRINTING FILES ***
[your_program] [DEBUG] database:38: opening db: grape.rdb
[your_program] Traceback (most recent call last):
[your_program]   File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
[your_program]   File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
[your_program]   File "/app/app/main.py", line 11, in <module>
[your_program]     db = Database(**{
[your_program]          ^^^^^^^^^^^^
[your_program]   File "/app/app/database.py", line 35, in __init__
[your_program]     self.open_db()
[your_program]   File "/app/app/database.py", line 40, in open_db
[your_program]     with open(db_full_path, "rb") as db:
[your_program]          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[your_program] FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/rdbfiles1184649393/grape.rdb'
[tester::#ZG5] dial tcp [::1]:6379: connect: connection refused
[tester::#ZG5] Test failed
[tester::#ZG5] Terminating program
[tester::#ZG5] Program terminated successfully

@porcupine-578 This is actually expected behavior, as we’re testing whether your code can handle the case when the RDB file doesn’t exist.

Please refer to the note in Read a key #jz6:

  • The RDB file provided by --dir and --dbfilename might not exist. If the file doesn’t exist, your program must treat the database as empty.

Ah okay great, thank you for the quick reply!

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