Issue with parsing echo text (Stage #NI6)

I’m stuck on Stage #NI6.

The instructions on the website say the following:

It’ll then send a series of echo commands to your shell:

$ echo 'shell hello'
shell hello
$ echo 'world     test'
world     test

I’ve coded my result to maintain any spaces within quoted text as shown in the stage instructions, however the tester says that my result is wrong:

[tester::#NI6] Running tests for Stage #NI6 (Quoting - Single quotes)
[tester::#NI6] Running ./
[your-program] $
[tester::#NI6] > echo 'example shell'
[your-program] example shell
[tester::#NI6] ✓ Received expected response
[your-program] $
[tester::#NI6] > echo shell     script
[your-program] shell     script
[tester::#NI6] Expected: "shell script"
[tester::#NI6] Received: "shell     script"
[your-program] $
[tester::#NI6] Received output does not match expectation.
[tester::#NI6] Test failed

I’d appreciate some assistance to figure out where I’m going wrong.

Hi @retop56, echo shell script doesn’t use any quotes, so the multiple spaces are not preserved and treated as a single space.

TBH, I found it a bit confusing at first too!

I was able to pass the stage because of your help. Thank you, not just for this, but for everything else you do as well! :slight_smile:

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