Getting timeout #qv6

I’m having the issue too at bittorrent/stages/qv6

My code works just fine when using cargo run download sample.torrent -o /tmp/test.txt.
But using the same parts of code to download pieces from a magnet link, I get the timeout issue when running the codecrafters test (or submit) commands.

My Rust code is available at GitHub - shide1989/shide1989-codecrafters-bittorrent-rust: Build your own BitTorrent challenge ! (in Rust)

@shide1989 I moved your post to a standalone topic, since it seems to be a separate issue.

I’ll look at your code shortly. In the meantime, could you try adding logs for the download progress to see how far it gets before timing out?

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Sure, here’s the logs :

codecrafters-bittorrent-rust on  master [!] ➜ codecrafters submit
Submitting changes (commit: 6248bf8)...

⚡ This is a turbo test run.

Running tests. Logs should appear shortly...

[compile]    Compiling bittorrent-starter-rust v0.1.0 (/app)
[compile]     Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 19.05s
[compile] Compilation successful.

[tester::#QV6] Running tests for Stage #QV6 (Magnet Links - Download a piece)
[tester::#QV6] Running ./ magnet_download_piece -o /tmp/torrents1394643788/piece-0 "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3f994a835e090238873498636b98a3e78d1c34ca&dn=magnet2.gif&" 0
[your_program] Tracker URL:
[your_program] Name: Some("magnet2.gif")
[your_program] Peer ID: 2d524e302e302e302d4f371471616c6c5bb2078d
[your_program] Peer extensions: [16]
[your_program] Peer Metadata Extension ID: 1
[your_program] Peer Metadata Size: 91
[your_program] MessageID [1]
[your_program] Received payload "d8:msg_typei1e5:piecei0e10:total_sizei91eed6:lengthi79752e4:name11:magnet2.gif12:piece lengthi262144e6:pieces20:×\u{8a}\u{7f}UÝØ\u{9f}ïG{Ä\u{9d}\u{93}\u{8b}ÇäÙ@\u{94}ñe"
[your_program] Received message ID 1
[your_program] Length: 79752
[your_program] Info Hash: 3f994a835e090238873498636b98a3e78d1c34ca
[your_program] Piece Length: 262144
[your_program] d78a7f55ddd89fef477bc49d938bc7e4d94094f1
[your_program]   - Downloading piece: piece_index: 0, piece_len: 262144
[your_program]     - Downloading block: piece_index: 0, begin: 0, length: 16384
[your_program]     - Downloading block: piece_index: 0, begin: 49152, length: 16384
[your_program]     - Downloading block: piece_index: 0, begin: 65536, length: 16384
[your_program]     - Downloading block: piece_index: 0, begin: 16384, length: 16384
[your_program]     - Downloading block: piece_index: 0, begin: 32768, length: 16384
[tester::#QV6] timed out, test exceeded 10 seconds
[tester::#QV6] Test failed (try setting 'debug: true' in your codecrafters.yml to see more details)

View our article on debugging test failures:

I also tried to limit the simultaneous tcpStream writes sent to 5, to see if I was getting some kind of blocked, but it didn’t change anything

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