Getting time out on BitTorrent #mn6

I’m stuck on Stage #mn6.

When I try to run the tests, the tester gives me a ‘timed out, test exceeded 10 seconds’ error, but my code responds fast enough on the sample and everything works fine locally.

The problem:

And my local tests:
‍~ dotnet run --project . --configuration Release decode lli4eei5ee

same here. Previously completed whole challenge but when re-ran using “codecrafters submit” got the error described by the post author.

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It does indeed look like a bug on our end.

@MahdiyarGHD Could you try running codecrafters test --previous to see if it makes a difference?

@inner Could you share how you resolved the issue, or does it still persist for you?

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It’s getting stuck on this stage again.

@MahdiyarGHD @inner Got it. Our team is looking into this issue right now, and I’ll get back to you as soon as we find a fix.


@andy1li looks like it persists now

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@andy1li it seems like it’s fixed now.


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We haven’t made any changes :sweat_smile: Need to dig deeper to figure out what’s wrong here - we’ll have an update early next week!

In the meantime, if anyone has additional context to share please do.

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A post was split to a new topic: Getting timeout #mn6

Hi all, we’ve increased the timeout for C#.

Could you check and let us know if you’re still experiencing the same issue? Thanks!

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