Error when using "codecrafters test"

This is for HTTP Server stage 4. It was previously working, using Go on Ubuntu WSL. Between the last successful run and when it stopped working, I did delete Go and reinstall it, also setting the path to Go via zshrc. I’ve since deleted /usr/local/bin/codecrafters and reinstalled codecrafter’s CLI and still get the same issue.

root@LAPTOP-G4RJJCES:/mnt/c/Users/danny/Documents/BuildYourOwn/HTTPServer/codecrafters-http-server-go# codecrafters test
Initiating test run...
push changes: add all files: error: RPC failed; HTTP 413 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 413
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
Everything up-to-date

Hey @daniel-allex! We’re working on improving the error message here, this is related to 1MB File size restriction - #3 by rohitpaulk (that thread has details on how to fix the error!)

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Going to mark this as closed, we should have the new error message deployed later this week!

I had the same error and it was because of the main binary that was built in the tmp directory, or at least that was in my case (golang). fixed it by adding the directory to the .gitignore and also just deleting the binary

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