Can't install CLI

I tried to download the CLI with curl but i get that error everytime. I am on Ubuntu.

Hey @JonasZim, could you share details about your system (OS, architecture, and any other relevant info) so we can try reproducing the error on our end?

In the meantime, you might try installing it manually to see if that works for you.

  1. Download the script manually:

  2. Edit the script to print out the DOWNLOAD_URL by adding the following line:

#Add this line: 
  1. Run the script to print out the DOWNLOAD_URL.

  2. Download the .tar.gz file from the printed URL.

  3. Extract the CLI binary using:

tar -xvzf <replace-filename-here>.tar.gz
  1. Add the extracted binary to your system’s PATH so it can be executed from anywhere.

@andy1li Thanks for Reply. Installing it manually worked.

I’m using Ubuntu 24.04 (64-bit) with kernel 6.11.0-17-generic.
I’m relatively new to Linux, so if you need more let me know.

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