I’m stuck on Stage #BF7
I’ve first tried to do String cast but I found out that it got wrong
Here are my logs:
remote: [tester::#BF7] Running ./your_program.sh info /tmp/torrents3080061021/test.torrent
remote: [your_program] Tracker URL: http://bttracker.debian.org:6969/announce
remote: [your_program] Length: 786432
remote: [your_program] Info Hash: 4fdbe0051276faacdeeadc97846c29b420afca34
remote: [your_program] Piece Length: 262144
remote: [your_program] Piece Hashes:
remote: [your_program] 3f301d263f52063f3f2d3f3f1e643f3f3f3f013f
remote: [your_program] 155a133f7c3c3f651d4f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f6b703f
remote: [your_program] 3f3f611a3f293f3f673f3f3f5d3f083f3f3f
remote: [tester::#BF7] Expected stdout to contain "8f301d26c6895206ec91de2df5971e64b4d2e1d5", g
And here’s a snippet of my code:
info = (Map<String, Object>) root.get("info");
announce = (String) root.get("announce");
length = (Long) info.get("length");
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
byte[] encoded = messageDigest.digest(bencode2.encode(
(Map<String,Object>) bencode2.decode(bytes,Type.DICTIONARY).get("info")));
infoHash = getInfoHash(encoded);
}catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
System.out.println("No such algorithm");
infoHash = null;
pieceLength = (Long)info.get("piece length");
String pieceString = (String) info.get("pieces");
pieces = pieceString.getBytes();
System.out.print("Piece Hashes: ");
byte[] piece = torrent.pieces;
for(int i = 0; i < piece.length; ++i){
if(i % 20 == 0){
Thank you for helping me