Zig 0.13 Redis Challenge

I was wondering if it would be at all possible to use zig 0.13 for the redis challenge.

I am implementing my event loop with libxev Which says requires nightly, but works with 0.13

I saw that there was an open PR to upgrade the zig version.

However, zig does not guarantee compatibility between releases, that might pose an issue for other people currently taking the challenge.

Hi @smantic, we’ll work on updating the Zig version for the Redis challenge, but it might take some time to ensure compatibility and a smooth experience for all users.

Great! That is understandable. Thanks.

The Redis challenge should now support Zig 0.13! update zig by rohitpaulk · Pull Request #259 · codecrafters-io/build-your-own-redis · GitHub

Wow that was fast! Thanks a ton for the speedy upgrade.

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