#YC9 DNS query failed: dns: bad rdata (SOLVED)

hey, how do you test it locally?

I’m stuck with bad data, but all previous tests are passing. Either I miss something in spec, or I have some stupid mistake

the data I’m getting:

my response:

or, a little more readable:

my latest commit is here:
https://git.codecrafters.io/8ceb84c23b1a5574 (I can upload it on gh/gl/etc if you can’t pull it from there)

what am I doing wrong?

okay I finally eyeballed what was wrong:
as you can see qt1 is longer than qt2 (the same as rec2), so when I was building compressed labels I missed the null byte, terminating label sequence, and got mine one byte short.

but gosh darn the error was so confusing.

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