Tests not running post git push

I’ve been trying to test my code, by git push to the repo.
It just keeps going at it and doesn’t return anything.

remote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
remote:      ___            _          ___              __  _
remote:     / __\ ___    __| |  ___   / __\_ __  __ _  / _|| |_  ___  _ __  ___
remote:    / /   / _ \  / _` | / _ \ / /  | '__|/ _` || |_ | __|/ _ \| '__|/ __|
remote:   / /___| (_) || (_| ||  __// /___| |  | (_| ||  _|| |_|  __/| |   \__
remote:   \____/ \___/  \__,_| \___|\____/|_|   \__,_||_|   \__|\___||_|   |___/
remote:    Welcome to CodeCrafters! Your commit was received successfully.
remote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
remote: We're warming up test runners for your repository, please bear with us.
remote: Subsequent builds will be snappy ⚡
remote: Streaming build logs...

That’s all I get.



I’m in the same situation. I guess there might be some server issues going on?


Yes, same here as well. Good to know that it’s not just me and I am not the only one. :+1:t2:

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I’m getting the same issue. Good to know I’m not the only one.

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still not working for me

Had that issue just now, seems be working again

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Thanks for highlighting this everyone! This is partially fixed but not completely resolved — working on it.

Facing same issue.

same error

How much longer will it take to solve this problem?

Should be resolved now! @dizzyplay are you still seeing issues?

Yes, I am still experiencing the same problem.

when i run the ./your_program.sh there is no issue. However, when I run ‘codecrafters test’ or ‘submit’, I’m still experiencing the same issue.

here is web logs

I’m still dealing with this issue and want to move on to the next stage. I’ve been struggling with it all day.

unexpected build status: error

We couldn’t fetch the results of your submission. Please try again?
Let us know at hello@codecrafters.io if this error persists.
unexpected build status: error

Hi @dizzyplay, I cloned your repo and encountered the same error. However, when I forked your repo, the error was resolved.

Could you try restarting with a new repo and see if that resolves the issue?

Thank you. It works!

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