Tester Error #FF0


I’ve been trying to understand how git desktop works and here is the issue I am running into. I have been able to install git desktop and codecrafters cli successfully. Now I am running into a single quotes error? This confuses me because when I run the main.py file maually in the terminal, I get the recursive result of "$ ", but the tester is telling me that it is getting back an empty string. Is this a formating error? Is this a bug? Please assist!

Upon further review, it appears my output is coming slower than the tester is testing. Is there a way to disable turbo tests or increase return speed? (Additional note: I think this may be a stack error because as soon as the tester returns an error it starts the next recursion. How would I prioritize the recursion over the tester, so that the tester can read the new output?)

I’ll take a look and get back to you shortly.

Hey, just as a heads up I was able to debug this by changing the text inside the print statement a couple of times. Thanks for your help anyways!

@zbeers Glad you got it working!

Do you mind sharing what was wrong? Would love to see if we can improve the tester / instructions.

So from what I understand, there appears to be an inconsistency in the tester. Sometimes, the tester will return a fail before the code has a chance to complete. In other words the tester would give a fail before allowing the local main.py a chance to run the next iteration. I think this could be resolve in one of two ways: a.) before connecting to the port set some conditional to check if a method is recursive, so it wait for iteration two before the tester reads the output; or b.) create a match case to reads through the code, checks for recursion, and creates a stack (borrowing this term from magic) that resolves in some order of iteration, compare test result, iteration, compare test result.

@zbeers Thanks for sharing the detailed breakdown!

I’ve also replied to your in the other thread:

I might be missing something, but I’d love to clarify this part:

Sometimes, the tester will return a fail before the code has a chance to complete. In other words the tester would give a fail before allowing the local main.py a chance to run the next iteration

Could you confirm if you’re referring to the following error?

If not, could you share the exact error message you’re seeing? That would help us better understand what’s going on.

Hi Andy, sorry for the confusion. I had only saw your reply to my other post only after I had made that one. The referenced error is the one I was receiving, and it also makes sense that it would automatically make a new line instead having to specify one manually. Thank you for taking the time to reply to both posts anyways!

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