Test Failed, removing unused lines (Rust)
use std::io::{self, BufWriter, Write};
use std::iter::{Enumerate, Peekable};
use std::process::Stdio;
use std::str::Chars;
use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt, fs, path::PathBuf, process, str::FromStr};
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let stdin = io::stdin();
print!("$ ");
for line in stdin.lines() {
let line = line?;
if line.trim().is_empty() {
print!("$ ");
let (redirect_path, args) = get_redirect_path(IterArgs::new(line.as_str()).collect())?;
let cmd = Cmd::from(args);
print!("$ ");
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Cmd<'a> {
Echo(Vec<Cow<'a, str>>),
Type(Cow<'a, str>),
Cd(Cow<'a, str>),
Other(Cow<'a, str>, Vec<Cow<'a, str>>),
impl fmt::Display for Cmd<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Exit(_) => f.write_str("exit")?,
Self::Echo(_) => f.write_str("echo")?,
Self::Type(_) => f.write_str("type")?,
Self::Pwd => f.write_str("pwd")?,
Self::Cd(_) => f.write_str("cd")?,
Self::Other(cmd, _) => {
if let Some(path) = find_path(cmd) {
return write!(f, "{} is {}", cmd, path);
} else {
return write!(f, "{}: not found", cmd);
f.write_str(" is a shell builtin")
impl Cmd<'_> {
fn is_builtin(&self) -> bool {
!matches!(self, Self::Other(_, _))
impl<'a> Cmd<'a> {
fn execute(&'a self, out: Redirection<'_>) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut stdout = BufWriter::new(out.stdout()?);
let mut stderr = BufWriter::new(out.stderr()?);
match self {
Self::Exit(code) => std::process::exit(*code),
Self::Echo(args) => {
let mut iter = args.iter();
if let Some(arg) = iter.next() {
write!(stdout, "{}", arg)?;
for arg in iter {
write!(stdout, " {}", arg)?;
Self::Type(arg) => {
let arg = match arg {
Cow::Owned(v) => v,
Cow::Borrowed(v) => *v,
let cmd = Self::from(arg);
if cmd.is_builtin() {
writeln!(stdout, "{}", cmd)?;
return Ok(());
if let Some(v) = find_path(arg) {
writeln!(stdout, "{} is {}", arg, v)?;
return Ok(());
writeln!(stdout, "{}: not found", arg)?;
Self::Pwd => {
let pwd = std::env::current_dir()?;
writeln!(stdout, "{}", pwd.to_string_lossy())?;
Self::Cd(path) => {
if *path == "~" {
let home = std::env::var("HOME").unwrap();
} else if std::env::set_current_dir(PathBuf::from_str(path).unwrap()).is_err() {
writeln!(stdout, "cd: {}: No such file or directory", path)?;
Self::Other(cmd, args) => {
if find_path(cmd).is_some() {
let mut child = process::Command::new(cmd.as_ref())
.args(args.iter().map(|v| v.as_ref()).collect::<Vec<&str>>())
let _ = child.wait()?;
} else {
writeln!(stdout, "{}: command not found", cmd)?;
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for Cmd<'a> {
fn from(value: &'a str) -> Self {
let value = value.trim_start();
let mut cmd_args = IterArgs::new(value);
let cmd = cmd_args.next().unwrap();
match cmd.as_ref() {
"exit" => {
let code = cmd_args.next().unwrap_or_default();
"echo" => Self::Echo(cmd_args.collect()),
"type" => Self::Type(cmd_args.next().unwrap_or_default()),
"pwd" => Self::Pwd,
"cd" => Self::Cd(cmd_args.next().unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed("~"))),
_ => Self::Other(cmd, cmd_args.collect()),
impl<'a> From<Vec<Cow<'a, str>>> for Cmd<'a> {
fn from(value: Vec<Cow<'a, str>>) -> Self {
let mut iter = value.into_iter();
let cmd = iter.next().unwrap();
match cmd.as_ref() {
"exit" => {
let code = iter.next().unwrap_or_default();
"echo" => Self::Echo(iter.collect()),
"type" => Self::Type(iter.next().unwrap_or_default()),
"pwd" => Self::Pwd,
"cd" => Self::Cd(iter.next().unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed("~"))),
_ => Self::Other(cmd, iter.collect()),
fn find_path<T: AsRef<str>>(value: T) -> Option<String> {
let env = std::env::var("PATH").unwrap();
for path in env.split(':') {
for entry in fs::read_dir(path).ok()? {
let dir = entry.ok()?;
let file = dir.file_name();
let name = file.to_string_lossy();
if name == *value.as_ref() {
return Some(dir.path().to_string_lossy().to_string());
struct IterArgs<'a> {
whole: &'a str,
start: usize,
impl<'a> Iterator for IterArgs<'a> {
type Item = Cow<'a, str>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
loop {
if self.start >= self.whole.len() {
return None;
let input = &self.whole[self.start..];
let mut end = 0;
let mut rm = Vec::new();
handle_args(&mut input.chars().enumerate().peekable(), &mut rm, &mut end);
let got_str = remove_unwanted(&input[0..end], rm);
self.start += end;
if got_str.is_empty() && end >= self.whole.len() {
return None;
if got_str.is_empty() {
return Some(got_str);
impl<'a> IterArgs<'a> {
fn new(value: &'a str) -> Self {
Self {
whole: value,
start: 0,
// BUG: in some input it return Owned value, when it should be Borrowed
fn remove_unwanted(value: &str, remove: Vec<usize>) -> Cow<'_, str> {
if remove.is_empty() || value.is_empty() {
return Cow::Borrowed(value);
let mut start = 0;
for i in remove.iter() {
if *i != start {
start += 1;
let mut end = value.len() - 1;
for item in remove.iter().rev() {
if *item != end {
end -= 1;
if start + (value.len() - 1 - end) >= value.len() {
return Cow::Borrowed("");
if start + (value.len() - 1 - end) >= remove.len() {
return Cow::Borrowed(&value[start..end + 1]);
let mut st = String::with_capacity(end - start + 1);
let mut remove_iter = remove[start..].iter();
let mut current_remove = remove_iter.next();
for (index, c) in value[start..end + 1].chars().enumerate() {
match current_remove {
Some(remove_index) if *remove_index == index + start => {
current_remove = remove_iter.next();
_ => st.push(c),
fn handle_args(iter: &mut Peekable<Enumerate<Chars>>, remove: &mut Vec<usize>, end: &mut usize) {
if iter.peek().is_none() {
let mut i = 0;
while let Some((index, c)) = iter.next() {
i = index;
match c {
' ' | '\t' | '\r' => {
*end = index + 1;
'\\' => {
i += 1;
'"' => {
while let Some((ii, v)) = iter.next() {
i = ii;
match v {
'"' => {
'\\' => {
if let Some((_, v)) = iter.peek() {
if matches!(*v, '\\' | '"') {
_ => {}
'\'' => {
for (ii, v) in iter.by_ref() {
i = ii;
if v == '\'' {
_ => {}
*end = i + 1;
enum RedirOps {
struct RedirectPath<'a> {
path: Cow<'a, str>,
ops: RedirOps,
impl RedirectPath<'_> {
fn default_stdout() -> Self {
Self {
path: Cow::Borrowed("/dev/stdout"),
ops: RedirOps::Append,
fn default_stderr() -> Self {
RedirectPath {
path: Cow::Borrowed("/dev/stderr"),
ops: RedirOps::Append,
struct Redirection<'a> {
std_out: RedirectPath<'a>,
std_err: RedirectPath<'a>,
impl Default for Redirection<'_> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
std_out: RedirectPath::default_stdout(),
std_err: RedirectPath::default_stderr(),
impl Redirection<'_> {
fn stdout(&self) -> io::Result<fs::File> {
match self.std_out.ops {
RedirOps::Append => Ok(fs::OpenOptions::new()
RedirOps::Redirect => Ok(fs::File::create(self.std_out.path.as_ref())?),
fn stderr(&self) -> io::Result<fs::File> {
match self.std_err.ops {
RedirOps::Append => Ok(fs::OpenOptions::new()
RedirOps::Redirect => Ok(fs::File::create(self.std_err.path.as_ref())?),
fn get_redirect_path(args: Vec<Cow<'_, str>>) -> io::Result<(Redirection<'_>, Vec<Cow<'_, str>>)> {
let mut args1 = Vec::with_capacity(args.len());
let mut iter = args.into_iter();
let mut stdout_path = None;
let mut stdout_ops = RedirOps::Append;
let mut stderr_path = None;
let mut stderr_ops = RedirOps::Append;
while let Some(arg) = iter.next() {
match arg.as_ref() {
">" | "1>" => {
if stdout_path.is_none() {
stdout_path = iter.next();
stdout_ops = RedirOps::Redirect;
">>" | "1>>" => {
if stderr_path.is_none() {
stdout_path = iter.next();
"2>" => {
if stderr_path.is_none() {
stderr_path = iter.next();
stderr_ops = RedirOps::Redirect;
"2>>" => {
if stderr_path.is_none() {
stderr_path = iter.next();
_ => args1.push(arg),
Redirection {
std_out: RedirectPath {
path: stdout_path.unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed("/dev/stdout")),
ops: stdout_ops,
std_err: RedirectPath {
path: stderr_path.unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed("/dev/stderr")),
ops: stderr_ops,
Test Result of above code
eagle@hp-lp:~/development/codecrafters-shell-rust$ codecrafters test
Initiating test run...
⚡ This is a turbo test run. https://codecrafters.io/turbo
Running tests. Logs should appear shortly...
[compile] Compiling codecrafters-shell v0.1.0 (/app)
[compile] warning: unused variable: `stderr`
[compile] --> src/main.rs:67:17
[compile] |
[compile] 67 | let mut stderr = BufWriter::new(out.stderr()?);
[compile] | ^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_stderr`
[compile] |
[compile] = note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default
[compile] warning: variable does not need to be mutable
[compile] --> src/main.rs:67:13
[compile] |
[compile] 67 | let mut stderr = BufWriter::new(out.stderr()?);
[compile] | ----^^^^^^
[compile] | |
[compile] | help: remove this `mut`
[compile] |
[compile] = note: `#[warn(unused_mut)]` on by default
[compile] warning: `codecrafters-shell` (bin "codecrafters-shell") generated 2 warnings (run `cargo fix --bin "codecrafters-shell"` to apply 1 suggestion)
[compile] Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 2.42s
[compile] Moved ./.codecrafters/run.sh → ./your_program.sh
[compile] Compilation successful.
[tester::#CZ2] Running tests for Stage #CZ2 (Handle invalid commands)
[tester::#CZ2] Running ./your_program.sh
[your-program] $ invalid_blueberry_command
[your-program] invalid_blueberry_command: command not found
[tester::#CZ2] ✓ Received command not found message
[your-program] $
[tester::#CZ2] Test passed.
[tester::#OO8] Running tests for Stage #OO8 (Print a prompt)
[tester::#OO8] Running ./your_program.sh
[your-program] $
[tester::#OO8] ✓ Received prompt
[tester::#OO8] Test passed.
Test passed. Congrats!
Submit your changes to move to the next step:
$ codecrafters submit
When I remove unused lines (no: 67).
let mut stderr = BufWriter::new(out.stderr()?);
The test is failed
eagle@hp-lp:~/development/codecrafters-shell-rust$ cargo clippy
Checking codecrafters-shell v0.1.0 (/home/eagle/development/codecrafters-shell-rust)
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.31s
eagle@hp-lp:~/development/codecrafters-shell-rust$ codecrafters test
Initiating test run...
⚡ This is a turbo test run. https://codecrafters.io/turbo
Running tests. Logs should appear shortly...
[compile] Compiling codecrafters-shell v0.1.0 (/app)
[compile] Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 2.32s
[compile] Moved ./.codecrafters/run.sh → ./your_program.sh
[compile] Compilation successful.
[tester::#UN3] Running tests for Stage #UN3 (Redirection - Append stderr)
[tester::#UN3] Running ./your_program.sh
[tester::#UN3] Writing file "/tmp/bar/apple" with content "apple"
[tester::#UN3] Writing file "/tmp/bar/grape" with content "grape"
[tester::#UN3] Writing file "/tmp/bar/raspberry" with content "raspberry"
[your-program] $ ls nonexistent >> /tmp/quz/bar.md
[your-program] ls: cannot access 'nonexistent': No such file or directory
[tester::#UN3] ✓ Received error message
[tester::#UN3] ✓ File: /tmp/quz/bar.md is empty
[your-program] $ ls nonexistent 2>> /tmp/quz/qux.md
[your-program] $ cat /tmp/quz/qux.md
[your-program] ls: cannot access 'nonexistent': No such file or directory
[tester::#UN3] ✓ Received redirected file content
[your-program] $ echo "David says Error" 2>> /tmp/quz/quz.md
[your-program] David says Error
[tester::#UN3] ✓ Received redirected file content
[your-program] $ cat nonexistent 2>> /tmp/quz/quz.md
[your-program] $ ls nonexistent 2>> /tmp/quz/quz.md
[your-program] $ cat /tmp/quz/quz.md
[your-program] cat: nonexistent: No such file or directory
[your-program] ls: cannot access 'nonexistent': No such file or directory
[tester::#UN3] ✓ Received redirected file content
[your-program] $
[tester::#UN3] Test passed.
[tester::#EL9] Running tests for Stage #EL9 (Redirection - Append stdout)
[tester::#EL9] Running ./your_program.sh
[tester::#EL9] Writing file "/tmp/bar/banana" with content "banana"
[tester::#EL9] Writing file "/tmp/bar/mango" with content "mango"
[tester::#EL9] Writing file "/tmp/bar/pineapple" with content "pineapple"
[your-program] $ ls /tmp/bar >> /tmp/baz/bar.md
[your-program] $ cat /tmp/baz/bar.md
[your-program] banana
[your-program] mango
[your-program] pineapple
[tester::#EL9] ✓ Received redirected file content
[your-program] $ echo 'Hello Alice' 1>> /tmp/baz/baz.md
[your-program] $ echo 'Hello Alice' 1>> /tmp/baz/baz.md
[your-program] $ cat /tmp/baz/baz.md
[your-program] Hello Alice
[your-program] Hello Alice
[tester::#EL9] ✓ Received redirected file content
[your-program] $ echo "List of files: " > /tmp/baz/qux.md
[your-program] $ ls /tmp/bar >> /tmp/baz/qux.md
[your-program] $ cat /tmp/baz/qux.md
[your-program] List of files:
[your-program] banana
[your-program] mango
[your-program] pineapple
[tester::#EL9] ✓ Received redirected file content
[your-program] $
[tester::#EL9] Test passed.
[tester::#VZ4] Running tests for Stage #VZ4 (Redirection - Redirect stderr)
[tester::#VZ4] Running ./your_program.sh
[tester::#VZ4] Writing file "/tmp/foo/mango" with content "mango"
[your-program] $ ls nonexistent 2> /tmp/bar/bar.md
[your-program] $ cat /tmp/bar/bar.md
[your-program] ls: cannot access 'nonexistent': No such file or directory
[tester::#VZ4] ✓ Received redirected error message
[your-program] $ echo 'Emily file cannot be found' 2> /tmp/bar/baz.md
[tester::#VZ4] Failed to read file ("/tmp/bar/baz.md"): open /tmp/bar/baz.md: no such file or directory
[your-program] Emily file cannot be found
[your-program] $
[tester::#VZ4] Assertion failed.
[tester::#VZ4] Test failed (try setting 'debug: true' in your codecrafters.yml to see more details)
View our article on debugging test failures: https://codecrafters.io/debug