Test failed: Failed to execute /app/your_program.sh: fork/exec /app/your_program.sh: permission denied

I’m stuck on Stage #( The pwd builtin #ei0).

Here are my logs:

remote: Debug = true
remote: [tester::#EI0] Running tests for Stage #EI0 (Navigation - The pwd builtin)
remote: [tester::#EI0] Running ./your_program.sh
remote: [tester::#EI0] Failed to execute /app/your_program.sh: fork/exec /app/your_program.sh: permission denied
remote: [tester::#EI0] Test failed

I’m probably having this problem because I added -Wextra and -Wall to the GCC compiling option in ./your_program.sh, I reverted the changes but I still get the error message.

Hi @stenzzor, could you upload your code to GitHub and share the link? It will be much easier to debug if I can run it directly.

Yep, here it is: shell/codecrafters-shell-c at main · stenzzor/shell · GitHub

Hi @stenzzor, the files in the .codecrafters folder are missing the x (executable) permission. I’ve fixed them and pushed a commit to your repo on our server (not GitHub).

Could you give it a try, and please let me know how it goes?

git pull
git commit --allow-empty -m "[try again]"
git push origin master

Working fine now, thank you so much!

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