Stuck on interpreter, stage 11, expecting exit 65?

on the fourth test for the string literals challenge of building your own interpreter, it tells me that its expecting an exit status of 65 even though it clearly doesn’t have an error (an unterminated string nor an unexpected character). If there was, it wouldve told me that it expected an error message instead, not an exit code.


I believe is the ‘&’ (AMP) that is supposed to give the error here.
The reason being that in a later stage they give us the ‘and’ keyword.

I hope that helps!

@kizzandev is right, the reason the tester is expecting an error there is that & isn’t a valid token in lox. However, this test seems wrong to me - for the fourth test in strings, we intended to test a success case that combines string with other tokens.

We must’ve added && assuming that it was a valid token at the time. Will fix!

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Fixed here: Update strings test by rohitpaulk · Pull Request #24 · codecrafters-io/interpreter-tester · GitHub, should be live shortly!

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