python code below. i tried many possible ways but not fetching secreat code for this test. please check and update me where i am wrong here.
def find_in_path(param):
path = os.environ['PATH']
print("Path: " + path)
print(f"Param: {param}")
for directory in path.split(":"):
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(directory):
if param in filenames:
return f"{dirpath}/{param}"
return None
def main():
while True:
sys.stdout.write("$ ")
# user_input = input()
# Wait for user input
arg, command = input().split(" ")
match command.split(" "):
case ["exit", "0"]:
case ["echo", *cmd]:
print(" ".join(cmd))
case ["type", *cmd]:
match cmd:
case ["echo" | "exit" | "type"]:
print(f"${cmd[0]} is a shell builtin")
case _:
location = find_in_path(cmd[0])
if location:
print(f"${cmd[0]} is {location}")
print(f"${" ".join(cmd)} not found")
case _:
#print(f"{command}: command not found")
if os.path.isfile(command.split(" ")[0]):
print(f"Hello {command}! The secret code is {arg}.")