I’m stuck on Stage #(#HD5 Multi Replica Command Propagation).
This post follows on from https://forum.codecrafters.io/t/second-replica-fails-handshake-in-redis-challenge-hd5/3854. The problem, as in that thread, is that I am able to spin up multiple replicas locally, with
Terminal 1: ./your_program
Terminal 2: ./your_program --port 1234 --replicaof "localhost 6379"
Terminal 3: ./your_program --port 1235 --replicaof "localhsot 6379"
with successful handshakes and write requests to the master propagated to the slaves, but that the corresponding test stage fails.
Attempted Fix
In that post @andy1li suggested moving away from using BufferedReader
and readLine
. I have refactored the project, relying on the more primitive InputStream.read()
. The original problem persists
From the master:
Bound to port 6379.
Waiting for connections.
Accepted connection from Socket[addr=/,port=54530,localport=6379]
Received Ping [List()]
Sending response to client at 54530.
Received Replconf [List(listening-port, 1234)]
Adding Socket[addr=/,port=54530,localport=6379] to slaves.
Sending response to client at 54530.
Received Replconf [List(capa, psync2)]
Sending response to client at 54530.
Sending response to client at 54530.
Sending RDB to slave: 54530
Accepted connection from Socket[addr=/,port=50850,localport=6379]
Received Ping [List()]
Sending response to client at 50850.
Received Replconf [List(listening-port, 1235)]
Adding Socket[addr=/,port=50850,localport=6379] to slaves.
Sending response to client at 50850.
Received Replconf [List(capa, psync2)]
Sending response to client at 50850.
Sending response to client at 50850.
Sending RDB to slave: 50850
Accepted connection from Socket[addr=/,port=33302,localport=6379]
Received Set [List(asd, qwe)]
Sending response to client at 33302.
Propogating write request to 2 replicas.
Propogating req to socket Socket[addr=/,port=54530,localport=6379]
Propogating req to socket Socket[addr=/,port=50850,localport=6379]
End of input stream. Closing socket.
Accepted connection from Socket[addr=/,port=43506,localport=6379]
Received Set [List(foo, bar)]
Sending response to client at 43506.
Propogating write request to 2 replicas.
Propogating req to socket Socket[addr=/,port=54530,localport=6379]
Propogating req to socket Socket[addr=/,port=50850,localport=6379]
End of input stream. Closing socket.
From the 1st slave:
Bound to port 1234.
[Handshake] Starting handshake.
[Handshake] Opened socket Socket[addr=localhost/,port=6379,localport=54530]
[Handshake] Sending PING to 6379
[Handshake] Received PONG
[Handshake] Sending first replconf to 6379
[Handshake] Received OK
[Handshake] Sending second replconf to 6379
[Handshake] Received OK
[Handshake] Sending psync to 6379
[Handshake] Receiving Database...
[Handshake] Received 88 bytes of database.
[Handshake] Handshake complete!
Waiting for requests.
Accepted connection from 6379 with acceptWriteRequests = true
Received Set [List(asd, qwe)]
Received Set [List(foo, bar)]
From the second slave:
Bound to port 1235.
[Handshake] Starting handshake.
[Handshake] Opened socket Socket[addr=localhost/,port=6379,localport=50850]
[Handshake] Sending PING to 6379
[Handshake] Received PONG
[Handshake] Sending first replconf to 6379
[Handshake] Received OK
[Handshake] Sending second replconf to 6379
[Handshake] Received OK
[Handshake] Sending psync to 6379
[Handshake] Receiving Database...
[Handshake] Received 88 bytes of database.
[Handshake] Handshake complete!
Waiting for requests.
Accepted connection from 6379 with acceptWriteRequests = true
Received Set [List(asd, qwe)]
Received Set [List(foo, bar)]
and finally the output of codecrafters test
...(build steps)...
[tester::#HD5] Running tests for Stage #HD5 (Replication - Multi Replica Command Propagation)
[tester::#HD5] $ ./your_program.sh --port 6379
[your_program] Bound to port 6379.
[your_program] Waiting for connections.
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] Creating replica: 1
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: $ redis-cli PING
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Sent bytes: "*1\r\n$4\r\nPING\r\n"
[your_program] Accepted connection from Socket[addr=/,port=46370,localport=6379]
[your_program] Accepted connection from Socket[addr=/,port=46374,localport=6379]
[your_program] Received Ping [List()]
[your_program] Sending response to client at 46374.
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Received bytes: "+PONG\r\n"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Received RESP simple string: "PONG"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] Received "PONG"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: > REPLCONF listening-port 6380
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Sent bytes: "*3\r\n$8\r\nREPLCONF\r\n$14\r\nlistening-port\r\n$4\r\n6380\r\n"
[your_program] Received Replconf [List(listening-port, 6380)]
[your_program] Adding Socket[addr=/,port=46374,localport=6379] to slaves.
[your_program] Sending response to client at 46374.
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Received bytes: "+OK\r\n"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Received RESP simple string: "OK"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] Received "OK"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: > REPLCONF capa psync2
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Sent bytes: "*3\r\n$8\r\nREPLCONF\r\n$4\r\ncapa\r\n$6\r\npsync2\r\n"
[your_program] Received Replconf [List(capa, psync2)]
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Received bytes: "+OK\r\n"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Received RESP simple string: "OK"
[your_program] Sending response to client at 46374.
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] Received "OK"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: > PSYNC ? -1
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Sent bytes: "*3\r\n$5\r\nPSYNC\r\n$1\r\n?\r\n$2\r\n-1\r\n"
[your_program] Sending response to client at 46374.
[your_program] Sending RDB to slave: 46374
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Received bytes: "+FULLRESYNC mgwcM0vHZba5zg7bDypkRWmIopxi4V5EBIJT8y75 0\r\n"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Received RESP simple string: "FULLRESYNC mgwcM0vHZba5zg7bDypkRWmIopxi4V5EBIJT8y75 0"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] Received "FULLRESYNC mgwcM0vHZba5zg7bDypkRWmIopxi4V5EBIJT8y75 0"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] Reading RDB file...
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-1: Received bytes: "$88\r\nREDIS0011\xfa\tredis-ver\x057.2.0\xfa\nredis-bits\xc0@\xfa\x05ctime\xc2m\b\xbce\xfa\bused-mem°\xc4\x10\x00\xfa\baof-base\xc0\x00\xff\xf0n;\xfe\xc0\xffZ\xa2"
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] Received RDB file
[tester::#HD5] Creating replica: 2
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-2: $ redis-cli PING
[tester::#HD5] [handshake] replica-2: Sent bytes: "*1\r\n$4\r\nPING\r\n"
[tester::#HD5] Received: "" (no content received)
[tester::#HD5] ^ error
[tester::#HD5] Error: Expected start of a new RESP2 value (either +, -, :, $ or *)
[tester::#HD5] Test failed
[tester::#HD5] Terminating program
[your_program] End of input stream. Closing socket.
[your_program] Accepted connection from Socket[addr=/,port=46382,localport=6379]
[your_program] Received Ping [List()]
[your_program] Sending response to client at 46382.
[tester::#HD5] Program terminated successfully
Any help would be greatly appreciated!