Redis Stage #ZU2 in Zig. I don't know why the test fails

I’m stuck on Stage #ZU2.

Here are my logs:

[tester::#ZU2] Running tests for Stage #ZU2 (Handle concurrent clients)
[tester::#ZU2] $ ./
[your_program] Added new connection with index 0
[tester::#ZU2] client-1: $ redis-cli PING
[tester::#ZU2] client-1: Sent bytes: "*1\r\n$4\r\nPING\r\n"
[your_program] Read from connection 0:
[your_program] *1
[your_program] Read from connection 0:
[your_program] $4
[your_program] Read from connection 0:
[your_program] PING
[your_program] Sending PONG
[tester::#ZU2] client-1: Received bytes: "+PONG\r\n"
[tester::#ZU2] client-1: Received RESP simple string: "PONG"
[tester::#ZU2] Received "PONG"
[tester::#ZU2] client-2: $ redis-cli PING
[tester::#ZU2] client-2: Sent bytes: "*1\r\n$4\r\nPING\r\n"
[tester::#ZU2] Received: "" (no content received)
[tester::#ZU2]            ^ error
[tester::#ZU2] Error: Expected start of a new RESP2 value (either +, -, :, $ or *)
[tester::#ZU2] Test failed
[tester::#ZU2] Terminating program
[tester::#ZU2] Program terminated successfully

However, when I connect with several redis-cli instances to my server locally, everything works. I tested this by connecting manually in different terminal sessions and by using GNU parallel:

parallel -j 6 redis-cli -e "PING" ::: {1..6}

Here is my code:

const std = @import("std");
const net =;

pub fn main() !void {
    const address = try net.Address.resolveIp("", 6379);

    var listener = try address.listen(.{
        .reuse_address = true,
        .force_nonblocking = true,
    defer listener.deinit();

    var list: [255]net.Server.Connection = undefined;
    var active: [255]bool = [_]bool{false} ** 255;
    var buf: [256]u8 = undefined;
    while (true) {
        if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(bool, &active, false)) |idx| { // if we can accept new connections
            if (listener.accept()) |conn| {
                list[idx] = conn;
                active[idx] = true;
                std.debug.print("Added new connection with index {d}\n", .{idx});
            } else |err| {
                if (err != error.WouldBlock) {
                    std.debug.print("Could not accept new connecion. Error: {any}\n", .{err});
        } else {
            std.debug.print("Could not accept new connection, all 256 slots are in use!\n", .{});
        for (active, 0..) |a, i| {
            if (!a) continue;
            const conn = &list[i];
            const reader =;
            if (reader.readUntilDelimiter(&buf, 0x0a)) |slice| {
                std.debug.print("Read from connection {d}:\n{s}\n", .{ i, slice });
                if (std.mem.eql(u8, slice, "PING\r")) {
                    std.debug.print("Sending PONG\n", .{});
                    _ = try"+PONG\r\n");
                if (std.mem.eql(u8, slice, "DOCS\r")) {
                    std.debug.print("Sending DOCS\n", .{});
                    _ = try"%0\r\n");
            } else |err| {
                switch (err) {
                    error.WouldBlock => {},
                    error.EndOfStream => {
                        std.debug.print("Client closed connection {d}\n", .{i});
                        active[i] = false;
                        list[i] = undefined;
                    else => {
                        std.debug.print("Cannot read from connection {d}, error: {any}\n", .{ i, err });
                        active[i] = false;
                        list[i] = undefined;

Any help is greatly appreciated.

you will need to handle the listening and responding asynchronously eihter via a seperate thread for the client or throught handing the task to the event loop. Since its zig I think threading will be easier not sure exactly how to implement it but hope this helps.

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Thanks for the response. However, I’m using a non-blocking TCP listener, so I can already accept multiple connections concurrently.

Hi @brodo, does Zig support a native event loop? Manually handling everything inside a while loop could be the cause of the issue.

Currently, the code didn’t accept a second connection:

I tried adding a 10 ms sleep interval within the while loop:

    while (true) {
        std.time.sleep(std.time.ns_per_ms * 10);

This allowed a second connection, but it still wasn’t enough:

Adjusting the sleep interval doesn’t seem like a right solution. A native event loop (if available in Zig) would likely handle multiple non-blocking connections more gracefully.

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Yes I was referring more about the response part where you could hand off the response to a new thread per client request not sure about the zig libraries for this but you might want to put the entire recv write block onto the event loop which might need you to write it as a seperate function. I might be way off base though.

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