[Redis][Python] Stuck on #YG4 - Command Processing

I’m stuck on Stage #YG4 - Command processing, using python. I’d love some help debugging a test issue, since I’m out of ideas right now.

Here is my github repo link:

My local manual testing looks good - I can:

  • Initiate a master instance
  • Initiate a replica instance
  • SET data on the master
  • GET data on the replica

Here’s how that looks:

It seems to work just fine. However, during the tests, the replica isn’t receiving all of the SET commands properly.

Here are my test logs. I noticed that the replica instance is receiving all of the set commands in the same bytes array from the master instance. The parser can’t handle this, and is only able to pick out the first of the commands from the incoming data.

[tester::#YG4] Running tests for Stage #YG4 (Replication - Command Processing)
[tester::#YG4] Master is running on port 6379
[tester::#YG4] $ ./your_program.sh --port 6380 --replicaof "localhost 6379"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Waiting for replica to initiate handshake with "PING" command
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Received bytes: "*1\r\n+PING\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Received RESP array: ["PING"]
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] Received ["PING"]
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Sent "PONG"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Sent bytes: "+PONG\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Waiting for replica to send "REPLCONF listening-port 6380" command
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Received bytes: "*3\r\n$8\r\nREPLCONF\r\n$14\r\nlistening-port\r\n$4\r\n6380\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Received RESP array: ["REPLCONF", "listening-port", "6380"]
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] Received ["REPLCONF", "listening-port", "6380"]
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Sent "OK"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Sent bytes: "+OK\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Waiting for replica to send "REPLCONF capa" command
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Received bytes: "*3\r\n$8\r\nREPLCONF\r\n$4\r\ncapa\r\n$6\r\npsync2\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Received RESP array: ["REPLCONF", "capa", "psync2"]
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] Received ["REPLCONF", "capa", "psync2"]
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Sent "OK"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Sent bytes: "+OK\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Waiting for replica to send "PSYNC" command
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Received bytes: "*3\r\n$5\r\nPSYNC\r\n$1\r\n?\r\n$2\r\n-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Received RESP array: ["PSYNC", "?", "-1"]
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] Received ["PSYNC", "?", "-1"]
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Sent "FULLRESYNC 75cd7bc10c49047e0d163660f3b90625b1af31dc 0"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Sent bytes: "+FULLRESYNC 75cd7bc10c49047e0d163660f3b90625b1af31dc 0\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] Sending RDB file...
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] master: Sent bytes: "$88\r\nREDIS0011\xfa\tredis-ver\x057.2.0\xfa\nredis-bits\xc0@\xfa\x05ctime\xc2m\b\xbce\xfa\bused-mem°\xc4\x10\x00\xfa\baof-base\xc0\x00\xff\xf0n;\xfe\xc0\xffZ\xa2"
[tester::#YG4] [handshake] Sent RDB file.
[your_program] Listening on port 6380
[tester::#YG4] [propagation] master: > SET foo 123
[tester::#YG4] [propagation] master: Sent bytes: "*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\n123\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [propagation] master: > SET bar 456
[tester::#YG4] [propagation] master: Sent bytes: "*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n$3\r\n456\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [propagation] master: > SET baz 789
[tester::#YG4] [propagation] master: Sent bytes: "*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nbaz\r\n$3\r\n789\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] Getting key foo
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: $ redis-cli GET foo
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Sent bytes: "*2\r\n$3\r\nGET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received bytes: "$3\r\n123\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received RESP bulk string: "123"
[your_program] reading data from master: b'*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\n123\r\n*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n$3\r\n456\r\n*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nbaz\r\n$3\r\n789\r\n'
[your_program] handling query: ['SET', 'foo', '123']
[tester::#YG4] [test] Received "123"
[tester::#YG4] [test] Getting key bar
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: > GET bar
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Sent bytes: "*2\r\n$3\r\nGET\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received bytes: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received RESP null bulk string: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] Retrying... (1/5 attempts)
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: > GET bar
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Sent bytes: "*2\r\n$3\r\nGET\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received bytes: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received RESP null bulk string: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] Retrying... (2/5 attempts)
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: > GET bar
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Sent bytes: "*2\r\n$3\r\nGET\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received bytes: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received RESP null bulk string: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] Retrying... (3/5 attempts)
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: > GET bar
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Sent bytes: "*2\r\n$3\r\nGET\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received bytes: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received RESP null bulk string: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] Retrying... (4/5 attempts)
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: > GET bar
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Sent bytes: "*2\r\n$3\r\nGET\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received bytes: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received RESP null bulk string: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] Retrying... (5/5 attempts)
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: > GET bar
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Sent bytes: "*2\r\n$3\r\nGET\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received bytes: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] [test] client: Received RESP null bulk string: "$-1\r\n"
[tester::#YG4] Expected simple string or bulk string, got NIL
[tester::#YG4] Test failed
[tester::#YG4] Terminating program
[tester::#YG4] Program terminated successfully

Here is the replica receiving all of the set commands in a single byte array:


Is this expected? Seems weird to change the parsing logic on this stage.
Tests for the previous stages are passing :+1:

Also, this looks kinda similar to the issue in this thread?

I’ll take a look and try to get back to you by early next week.

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Hi, @eaverdeja, yes it is expected for the TCP to send more than one command at “once” Transmission Control Protocol - Wikipedia.

So, yes, you should be prepared to read those.

Also, have in mind that this can vary, sometimes you can have all of them in “one line” or sometimes they might be divided into “N lines”.

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Hey @i27ae15 , thanks for confirming.

I managed to pass the stage by tweaking my parsing logic a little bit. I realized I should be doing this anyways after reading the footnote on the stage instructions :see_no_evil:

It is not guaranteed that propagated commands will be sent one at a time. One “TCP segment” might contain bytes for multiple commands.

Here’s the commit that solved things for me. I tweaked the logic to exhaust the parsed data with a while loop instead of expecting a single command. It wasn’t so bad :smile:


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