My out put seems to be correct but the tester calls it wrong

I’m stuck on Stage #EY7.

My output seems to be correct

This is the input test case

remote: [tester::#EY7] [test-4] [test.lox] {
remote: [tester::#EY7] [test-4] [test.lox] // This is a complex test case
remote: [tester::#EY7] [test-4] [test.lox] str1 = "Test"<|SPACE|>str2 = "Case"
remote: [tester::#EY7] [test-4] [test.lox] num1 = 100
remote: [tester::#EY7] [test-4] [test.lox] num2 = 200.00
remote: [tester::#EY7] [test-4] [test.lox] result = (str1 == "Test" , str2 != "Fail") && (num1 + num2) >= 300 && (a - b) < 10
remote: [tester::#EY7] [test-4] [test.lox] }

this is the failed case:

remote: [tester::#EY7] [test-4] Expected line #1 on stderr to be "[line 7] Error: Unexpected character: &", got "[line 6] Error: Unexpected character: &"

but the error indeed is on Line 6 in order instead of Line 7, so my output seems correct, what am i missing here?