Issues running commands

I’m stuck on Stage Run a program #ip1

I created a function that executes the commands based on the path and arguments passed in but i don’t quite understand why it isn’t printing out the program signature and args
although the program works normally locally to run normal commands.

Here are my logs:

[compile] Moved ./.codecrafters/ → ./
[compile] Compilation successful.
[tester::#IP1] Running tests for Stage #IP1 (Run a program)
[tester::#IP1] [setup] export PATH=/tmp/foo:$PATH
[tester::#IP1] [setup] Available executables:
[tester::#IP1] [setup] - custom_exe_1177
[tester::#IP1] Running ./
[your-program] $ custom_exe_1177 David
[your-program] $ Program was passed 2 args (including program name).
[tester::#IP1] Output does not match expected value.
[tester::#IP1] Expected: "Program was passed 2 args (including program name)."
[tester::#IP1] Received: "$ Program was passed 2 args (including program name)."
[your-program] Arg #0 (program name): custom_exe_1177
[your-program] Arg #1: David
[your-program] Program Signature: 2588132668
[tester::#IP1] Assertion failed.
[tester::#IP1] Test failed (try setting 'debug: true' in your codecrafters.yml to see more details)
include relevant logs here (please make sure to keep the backticks around this!)

And here’s a snippet of my code:

void execute_program(char *path,char **arguments){
  pid_t pid,pid2;//one for the fork process and another to return the process id
    for(int i=0;arguments[i]!=NULL;i++){
      printf("Arg #0: %s",arguments[0]);
      printf("Arg #1: %s",arguments[1]);
      printf("program signature: %d",pid2);}
    //execv doesn't return anything
    perror("no such directory");
else if(check_for_built_in(arguments)==0){
    char **args=split_line(input);
    /*printf("commands \n");
    for (int i = 0; args[i] != NULL; i++) {
      printf("%s\n", args[i]);}*/

    char *path=find_in_path(arguments);

include relevant code here (please make sure to keep the backticks around this!)

local output

$ ls -l
$ total 4
drwxr-xr-x 1 Olu-Ade Olu-Ade    0 Jan 20 21:43 build 
-rw-r--r-- 1 Olu-Ade Olu-Ade 3840 Jan 23 11:31 main.c

here is the link to the repo

Hi @Fruitpunch44, the task is to run an executable file such as “custom_exe_1234”, so there’s no need to implement it manually:

for(int i=0;arguments[i]!=NULL;i++){
      printf("Arg #0: %s",arguments[0]);
      printf("Arg #1: %s",arguments[1]);
      printf("program signature: %d",pid2);}

Another issue is that there’s an extra "$ " printed out:

I tried running your code against the previous stages, but it’s actually no longer passing the second stage #CZ2 (Handle invalid commands).


  1. Use our CLI to test against previous stages by running:
codecrafters test --previous
  1. Focus on fixing the early stages first, as later stages depend on them.