Issue with test case

I’m stuck on Stage #ZG5.

I’ve tried implementing it but it generates some random number for the file path is this some expected behaviour that im missing?

Here are my logs:

And here’s a snippet of my code:

def configget( *args) -> str:


        obj, req = args[0], args[1][2]

        req_size = len(req)

        if req == "dir":
            path = obj.dir
            path_size = len(path)
        elif req == "dbfilename":
            path = obj.file
            path_size = len(path)

        resp = f"*2\r\n${req_size}\r\n{req}\r\n${path_size}\r\n{path}\r\n"

        return resp     

Sorry if I missed it, but I couldn’t find configget called anywhere in your code.

Let’s start fresh. Ensure your code extracts and saves these arguments at startup:

I recommend using the argparse module for argument parsing, as it keeps your code clear and manageable, even if you add more options.

@shreyasganesh0 Let me know if you’d like any further help!

#from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
#from pydantic import BaseModel
from enum import Enum
from datetime import timedelta, timezone, datetime

class Command(Enum):
    ECHO = 1
    PING = 2
    SET = 3
    GET = 4

class CommandExecutor:

    def echo( *args):
        obj, message = args[0], args[1][1]
        return ("+"+message+"\r\n")

    def ping( *args):
        return "+PONG\r\n"

    def set( *args):

        if len(args[1])<=3:
            obj, key, value = args[0], args[1][1], args[1][2]
            timeout = -1
            flag = True
            obj, key, value, timeout = args[0], args[1][1], args[1][2], args[1][4]
        obj.kvstore[key] = (value,timeout,

        return "+OK\r\n"

    def get( *args):

        obj, key = args[0], args[1][1]

        val, timeout, time_insert = obj.kvstore.get(key, ["",10000000,0])

        if timeout==-1:
            return f'${len(val)}\r\n{val}\r\n'
        if > timedelta(milliseconds=int(timeout)):
            del obj.kvstore[key]

        if val=="":
            resp = "$-1\r\n"
            resp = f'${len(val)}\r\n{val}\r\n'
        return resp
    def configget( *args) -> str:


        obj, req = args[0], args[1][2]

        req_size = len(req)

        if req == "dir":
            path = obj.dir
            path_size = len(path)
        elif req == "dbfilename":
            path = obj.file
            path_size = len(path)

        resp = f"*2\r\n${req_size}\r\n{req}\r\n${path_size}\r\n{path}\r\n"

        return resp      

# operation = Operation.ADD
# method = getattr(Calculator,
# result = method(2, 3

apologies for not adding the code before it is in a separate file in the app directory. Ah that makes more sense I didnt realize we would be getting the directory as an input from cli arguments, thanks from the clarification.

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