Is there a way to get the high level test specifications?

Not the written automated tests, but the entire specifications against which one would write a test suite. Is that available somewhere?

For example, I was doing the BitTorrent Client project, and in the challenge Decode bencoded lists #AH1, you are given this example as to how your code would be executed, and what it expects.

$ ./ decode l5:helloi52ee

But when using the cli the code was tested also with things like

$ ./ decode le
$ ./ decode lle5:helloi52ee
$ ./ decode ll5:helloei52ee

It would be a great excercise to be able to also write a test suite against maybe some high level speicfications like:

Be sure to support: lists with items, empty lists, lists within lists, lists adjacent to items, etc.

And those specs for all challenges, and not having to reverse engineer them from the logs of codecrafters test


Hi @MartinPeverelli, we don’t currently offer high-level test specifications.

However, we’re working on enhancing the instructions for the BitTorrent challenge. I’ll keep you updated on any improvements.