Incorrect instructions #hw1

In the the tests section, it is said that the below command will be sent

redis-cli XREAD block 0 streams stream_key 0-0

but in reality the ID that will be sent is is 0-1 and not 0-0 (based on redis-tester/internal/test_streams_xread_block_no_timeout.go at main · codecrafters-io/redis-tester · GitHub). This makes more sense as if we block on 0-0 we would immediately return a response as the ID 0-1 has already been inserted before.

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Hi @jamestjw, thanks for highlighting the issue! We’ll investigate the issue and keep you updated with any progress.

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We fixed the typo in this PR. Thanks again for highlighting it! @jamestjw

Thanks! I appreciate the speedy response.

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