Import flate2 in Rust #CR8: Gzip compression

I’m stuck on the Gzip Compression stage. Most of the solutions (if not all) use flate2 to do encoding but to import Flate2 I need to add flate2 in the Cargo.toml. But in the file it explicitly says not to edit that file. And I even tried ignoring the warning and adding the flate2 in the dependency list, but it broke asking if I have cmake. Not sure what I should do next.

nvm figured it out. I had to run

cargo add flate2

in the console.

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Ah, we have to get around to removing those warnings - we didn’t allow changing dependencies in the last but we do now!

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Note: I’ve updated the title of this post to include the stage ID (#CR8). You can learn about the stages rename here: Upcoming change: Stages overhaul.