I'm stuck on Stage #KP1. The tester is failing to test valid output

I’m struck on Stage #KP1
The tester is failing to test valid output.

I’ve tried matching my output to the codecrafter’s test expected output but we are going in circles.
I’ve tried:

  1. having a new line after writing a name(expected this to be the right way)
  2. printing a new line only after writing all names
  3. printing a new line after writing a name but not after the last name.

Here are my logs:

And here’s a snippet of my code:

fn read_tree(mut object: Object<impl BufRead>, name_only: bool) {
    let mut info_buf = Vec::new();
    let mut hash_buf = [0; 20];

    let mut to_make_codecrafter_happy = Vec::new();
    loop {
        // Read for each object line individually.
        // A line has the following structure
        // <mode> <type> <null char> <sha1 hash of length 20>

        let read_bytes = object
            .read_until(0, &mut info_buf)
            .expect("Failed to read tree's entry");

        if read_bytes == 0 {
            // End of tree

        let (mode, name) = std::ffi::CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(&info_buf)
            .expect("Failed to parse infobuf for tree's entry")
            .expect("Failed to parse valid UTF8 from infobuf")
            .split_once(' ')
            .expect("Failed to parse valid mode and name");
            .read_exact(&mut hash_buf[..])
            .expect("Failed to read sha1 hash from tree's entry");

        if name_only {
            //            println!("{name}");
            // To make codecrafters happy
            //   stdout.write_all(name.as_bytes()).unwrap();
            // writeln!(stdout, "").unwrap();

        let hash = hex::encode(&hash_buf);
        let object = read_object(hash.clone());

        println!("{:0>6} {:?} {} {}", mode, object.object_type, hash, name);

    print!("{}", to_make_codecrafter_happy.join("\n"));
    //  for (index, name) in to_make_codecrafter_happy.clone().into_iter().enumerate() {
    //    ss.push_str(name.as_str());
    //  if index != to_make_codecrafter_happy.len() - 1 {
    //    ss.push_str("\n");
    //  }
    // }

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