Help wiht test case #YT5

Not sure how this file names should be resoloved:

remote: [your-program] $ cat “/tmp/quz/f\n40” “/tmp/quz/f\34” “/tmp/quz/f’'51”
remote: [your-program] cat: /tmp/quz/f\n40": No such file or directory
remote: [tester::#YT5] Output does not match expected value.
remote: [tester::#YT5] Expected: “raspberry mango.banana blueberry.”
remote: [tester::#YT5] Received: “cat: /tmp/quz/f\n40”: No such file or directory"
remote: [your-program] cat: : No such file or directory
remote: [your-program] cat: /tmp/quz/f\34": No such file or directory
remote: [your-program] cat: : No such file or directory
remote: [your-program] cat: /tmp/quz/f’'51": No such file or directory

Can you please help with some advice, how \ char behaves in this situation?

remote: [your-program] $ cat “/tmp/quz/f\n46” “/tmp/quz/f\31” “/tmp/quz/f’'19”
remote: [your-program] cat: /tmp/quz/f\n46": No such file or directory
remote: [tester::#YT5] Output does not match expected value.
remote: [tester::#YT5] Expected: “raspberry banana.pineapple grape.”
remote: [tester::#YT5] Received: “cat: /tmp/quz/f\n46”: No such file or directory"
remote: [your-program] cat: : No such file or directory
remote: [your-program] cat: /tmp/quz/f\31": No such file or directory
remote: [your-program] cat: : No such file or directory
remote: [your-program] cat: /tmp/quz/f’'19": No such file or directory

This fails also, when i try to replace \n with \n

Hey @petarTenderly, could you upload your code to GitHub and share the link? It will be much easier to debug if I can run it directly.

Yes i Published it

latest result of cat command:

I can see I am printing right content from files, but its not working
remote: [your-program] $ cat “/tmp/bar/f\n73” “/tmp/bar/f\28” “/tmp/bar/f’'96”
remote: [your-program] cat: cat: No such file or directory
remote: [tester::#YT5] Output does not match expected value.
remote: [tester::#YT5] Expected: “mango strawberry.”
remote: [tester::#YT5] Received: “cat: cat: No such file or directory”
remote: [your-program] mango : No such file or directory
remote: [your-program] orange : No such file or directory
remote: [your-program] mango strawberry.
remote: [your-program] cat: command not found

Ok i know whats the problem

@petarTenderly Glad you’ve found the problem!

Do you mind sharing what was wrong? Would love to see if we can improve the tester / instructions.

Closing this thread due to inactivity. If you still need assistance, feel free to reopen or start a new discussion!