Git issue while pushing the code in repo

The moment I am trying to push the code in the git. I am getting this fatal error :
fatal: ‘origin’ does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Can anybody help me on this?

Hi @Apoorv221, looks like you’ve solved the issue. Do you happen to remember what was wrong?

Yup it was majorly I was not having my git repo correct. So i just refreshed everything and it worked.

But I still have issue in finding my git repo on GitHub page. When I do git stash list for getting at least the repo link it giving me nothing.

@Apoorv221 You’ve been pushing commits to our servers, so they didn’t show up on your GitHub profile.

To have the repo appear on your GitHub account, you can use our Publish to GitHub feature:

@andy1li Thanks man

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