Duplicate "+OK/r/n" Responses sent to Client and Replica from Master Server

Hello, I am stuck on Stage 25, WAIT with multiple commands. I was able to pass the first test for the WAIT command, but the problem that I am having occurs when the tester switches from the client to the replicas. For instance, after the first WAIT test is passed, the tester switches to the client and sends a “SET” command, which my server receives and sends a “+OK\r\n” response to. However, when the tester switches to replica-1, the replica-1 also receives the same “+OK\r\n” response, even though it expects to receive the propagated SET command. What confuses me is that I had no problems with this in the first WAIT test (I was able to propagate the command to the replicas), but in the second WAIT test I am receiving this issue. I suspect my issue may deal with the possibility that my server is sharing the same connection with the client and the replicas, so I tried tagging each connection with a type to signify the difference (connection.client vs connection.replica), but I still face the same issue. I also tried to store the repl1 socket connection in a variable (repl1Connect) and using an asynchrounous function to wait for all the data to be loaded. Here is my code:

const server = net.createServer((connection) => {
  // Handle connection
    connection.type = 'client';
    connection.on('data', async (data) => {
        const command = await readData(data);
        let commands = command.slice(3).split('\r\n');
        console.log("Commands", commands);
        if (commands.includes("INFO")){
                if (isSlave != -1){
            } else if (commands.includes("REPLCONF")){
            } else if (commands.includes("ECHO")){
                index = commands.indexOf("ECHO");
            } else if (commands.includes("PING")){
            } else if (commands.includes("SET")){
                index = commands.indexOf("SET");
                dictionary[commands[index + 2]] = dictionary[commands[index + 4]];
                    if (commands.includes("px")){
                        let px = commands.indexOf("px");
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            delete dictionary[commands[index + 2]];
                            }, parseInt(commands[px + 2])
                        if (commands.includes("baz")){
                            repl1Connect.write("*3\r\n" + getBulkString("REPLCONF") + getBulkString("GETACK") + getBulkString("*"));
                            repl1Connect.write("*3\r\n" + getBulkString("REPLCONF") + getBulkString("GETACK") + getBulkString("*"));
                            connection.write("*3\r\n" + getBulkString("REPLCONF") + getBulkString("GETACK") + getBulkString("*"));
                        } else {
                    }else if (commands.includes("GET")){
                   index = commands.indexOf("GET");
                if (!(commands[index + 2] in dictionary) && !(commands[index + 2] in replicaDict)) {
                } else if (commands[index + 2] in replicaDict) {
                    connection.write(getBulkString(replicaDict[commands[index + 2]]));
                } else{
                    connection.write(getBulkString(dictionary[commands[index + 2]]));
            } else if (commands.includes("WAIT")){
                index = commands.indexOf("WAIT");
                noOfReps = parseInt(commands[index + 2])
                time = parseInt(commands[index+4]);
                waitCommand(noOfReps, time, connection);
            if (commands.includes("PSYNC")){
            connection.write("+FULLRESYNC 8371b4fb1155b71f4a04d3e1bc3e18c4a990aeeb 0\r\n");
            const hex = "524544495330303131fa0972656469732d76657205372e322e30fa0a72656469732d62697473c040fa056374696d65c26d08bc65fa08757365642d6d656dc2b0c41000fa08616f662d62617365c000fff06e3bfec0ff5aa2";
            const buffer = Buffer.from(hex, 'hex');

// Calculate the length of the file in bytes
const bytes = buffer.length;

// Create the RDB file header with the length of the file
let rdbFileHeader = `$${bytes}\r\n`;

// Combine the header and the buffer into a single buffer
const rdbFileBuffer = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(rdbFileHeader, 'ascii'), buffer]);
            connection.type = 'replica'; // Set type as replica
            if (replicas.length == 1){
                repl1Connect = connection;
            numOfReplicas += 1;

function waitCommand(howMany, time, connection){
    numOfAcks = 0;
    console.log("Propagated Commands", propagatedCommands);
    if (propagatedCommands > 0){
        propagateToReplicas("*3\r\n" + getBulkString("REPLCONF") + getBulkString("GETACK") + getBulkString("*"));
        setTimeout(() => {

            connection.write(`:${numOfAcks > howMany ? howMany : numOfAcks}\r\n`);
        }, time);

const propagateToReplicas = (command) => {
    if (replicas.length == 0){
    replicas.forEach((replica) => {
        console.log("Command to be Propagated", command);
        replica.on("data", (data) => {
            const commands = data.toString().split('\r\n');
            if (commands.includes("ACK")){
                numOfAcks += 1;

    propagatedCommands += 1;

Here are the logs that I am receiving. Notice that I did not have this issue in the first WAIT test: