Clojure language support

Hello there,

I am following the contributor guide and trying to add clojure support to http-server.

However, I am stuck by the following errors

js-tools Docker image built.

Compiling language: clojure...
compiling http-server-clojure
- compiling starter template for http-server-clojure
  - ignoring template interpolation for .gitattributes
  - postprocessing compiled_starters/clojure/
compiled_starters/clojure/ 37ms
  - ignoring template interpolation for build.clj
  - ignoring template interpolation for .gitignore
  - ignoring template interpolation for deps.edn
  - ignoring template interpolation for src/main.clj
  - ignoring template interpolation for .codecrafters/
  - ignoring template interpolation for .codecrafters/
- compiling solutions for clojure
- compiling solution diffs for http-server-clojure
Testing languages: clojure

Testing Dockerfile: http-server-clojure-1.12

CodeCrafters was unable to process this Dockerfile. Error: RuntimeError: Unknown from_line: FROM clojure:openjdk-19.

/app/app/lib/buildpack_dockerfile_processor.rb:48:in `build_prelude_lines'
/app/app/lib/buildpack_dockerfile_processor.rb:82:in `process'
/app/app/controllers/services/course_sdk_controller.rb:10:in `process_dockerfile'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/actionpack-8.0.1/lib/action_controller/metal/basic_implicit_render.rb:8:in `send_action'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/actionpack-8.0.1/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb:226:in `process_action'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/actionpack-8.0.1/lib/action_controller/metal/rendering.rb:193:in `process_action'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/actionpack-8.0.1/lib/abstract_controller/callbacks.rb:261:in `block in process_action'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/activesupport-8.0.1/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:120:in `block in run_callbacks'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/turbo-rails-2.0.11/lib/turbo-rails.rb:24:in `with_request_id'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/turbo-rails-2.0.11/app/controllers/concerns/turbo/request_id_tracking.rb:10:in `turbo_tracking_request_id'

I am trying to add this Dockerfile

FROM clojure:tools-deps-


COPY deps.edn ./

# .git & are unique per-repository. We ignore them on first copy to prevent cache misses
COPY --exclude=.git . /app

# Install language-specific dependencies
RUN .codecrafters/

I believe there are some implicit knowledge I couldn’t find out. Could you please share more insight?

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Thanks for trying to add clojure support to http-server! :handshake:

I’ll take a look and get back to you early next week.

Thank you! Can’t wait starting the challenge using Clojure.

CodeCrafters was unable to process this Dockerfile. Error: RuntimeError: Unknown from_line: FROM clojure:openjdk-19.

Hi @SughiY, This error occurs because our Dockerfile Processor imposes a limitation on the FROM line.

Our processor currently accepts only Alpine, Dart, and Debian-based images (e.g. bookworm). You may need to use one of these as the base image.

Thank you! I thought of it. I did the test on my m2 macmini, that’s why I couldn’t use -alpine. I was wondering if that was the cause. I will test on wsl2 tonight to see if it can work.

( the link is 404, is it a private repo?)

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Sorry about the private link. The relevant code looks like this:

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Thank you for the sharing.

I’ve passed the test with changing to -bookworm and I’ve created a PR for the change.

Please let me know if I need to create an issue.


@andy1li is there a way to contribute to codecrafters? How can I ?

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Hey i27ae15, I created a PR following this official document Introduction - CodeCrafters.


@SughiY thank you! Will take a look!

@i27ae15, thanks for your interest in contributing! :golf:

Some parts of the guide above may be outdated, so feel free to post here if anything is unclear.

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I’ve closed the PR, since clojure actually can run directly in Java docker.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""




                    <finalName>codecrafters-http-server</finalName> <!-- Please do not change this final artifact name-->
                            <!-- This is the main class of your program which will be executed-->



So theoretically, all challenges are accessible for clojure. I’ve tested the first tests for http-server and Kafka.

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