I’m stuck on Stage #QJ0.
I really do not understand what to do here and i tried so many things and it mostly ends up in command not found. I am new to programming and sorry if my code is a big mess, i just want to know how to solve this problem in not a to complicated way
Here are my logs:
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Copying /tmp/custom_cat_executable to /tmp/baz/'exe with space'
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Copying /tmp/custom_cat_executable to /tmp/baz/'exe with "quotes"'
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Copying /tmp/custom_cat_executable to /tmp/baz/"exe with \'single quotes\'"
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Copying /tmp/custom_cat_executable to /tmp/baz/'exe with \n newline'
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Writing file "/tmp/baz/f1" with content "mango raspberry."
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Writing file "/tmp/baz/f2" with content "orange raspberry."
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Writing file "/tmp/baz/f3" with content "pineapple orange."
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Writing file "/tmp/baz/f4" with content "blueberry mango."
remote: [your-program] $ 'exe with space' /tmp/baz/f1
remote: [your-program] 'exe: command not found
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Output does not match expected value.
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Expected: "mango raspberry."
remote: [tester::#QJ0] Received: "'exe: command not found"
remote: [your-program] $
And here’s a snippet of my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <filesystem>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Extract file paths enclosed in single quotes
vector<string> extract_files_1(const string &input) {
vector<string> files;
string file;
bool inside_quotes = false;
for (char c: input) {
if (c == '\'') {
inside_quotes = !inside_quotes;
if (!inside_quotes && !file.empty()) {
} else if (inside_quotes) {
file += c;
return files;
vector<string> extract_files_2(const string &input) {
vector<string> files;
string file;
bool inside_quotes = false;
for (char c: input) {
if (c == '\"') {
inside_quotes = !inside_quotes;
if (!inside_quotes && !file.empty()) {
} else if (inside_quotes) {
file += c;
return files;
string double_quotes(string input) {
string output;
bool inside_quotes = false;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) {
char c = input[i];
if (c == '\"' && (input[i + 1] == ' ' || input[i + 1] == ' ' || i == 0)) {
inside_quotes = !inside_quotes;
} else if (!inside_quotes && !output.empty() && count == 0) {
output += " ";
} else if (c == '\\' && (input[i + 1] == '\\' || input[i + 1] == '$' || input[i + 1] == '\"')) {
output += input[i + 1];
count = 0;
} else if (c == '\"') {
output += input[i + 1];
count = 0;
} else if (inside_quotes) {
output += c;
count = 0;
return output;
// Handle the `cat` command
void cat_command(const vector<string> &files) {
for (const string &file: files) {
ifstream file_stream(file);
if (!file_stream.is_open()) {
cerr << "Could not open file " << file << endl;
// Print the file contents without spaces between files
string line;
while (getline(file_stream, line)) {
cout << line;
cout << endl; // Add newline at the end
string remove_extra_spaces(const string &str) {
stringstream ss(str);
string word;
string result;
bool first = true;
while (ss >> word) {
if (!first) {
result += " ";
result += word;
first = false;
return result;
void curr_dir() {
try {
string cwd = filesystem::current_path().string();
cout << cwd << endl;
} catch (const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) {
cerr << e.what() << endl;
string get_path(string command) {
string path_env = getenv("PATH");
stringstream ss(path_env);
string path;
while (getline(ss, path, ':')) {
string abs_path = path + "/" + command;
if (filesystem::exists(abs_path)) {
return abs_path;
return "";
void execute_program(const string &command, const vector<string> &args) {
string path = get_path(command);
if (path.empty()) {
cerr << command << ": command not found\n";
// Construct the command string with the arguments
string full_command = path;
for (const auto &arg: args) {
full_command += " " + arg;
// Use system() to execute the command
int result = system(full_command.c_str());
if (result == -1) {
cerr << "Error executing " << command << endl;
int main() {
cout << "$ " << flush;
string input;
while (getline(cin, input)) {
stringstream ss(input);
string command;
ss >> command;
vector<string> args;
string arg;
while (ss >> arg) {
if (command == "exit") {
return 0;
} else if (command == "cd") {
if (args.empty())
cerr << "cd: command not found\n";
else if (args[0] == "~") {
try {
// Set path to home directory (replace with appropriate home path for your system).
filesystem::path home = filesystem::path(getenv("HOME") ? getenv("HOME") : getenv("USERPROFILE"));
if (!home.empty()) {
} else
cerr << "cd: Cannot determine the home directory\n";
} catch (const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) {
cerr << "cd: " << e.what() << endl;
} else {
try {
} catch (const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) {
cerr << "cd: " << args[0] << ": No such file or directory" << endl;
} else if (command == "echo") {
string out = input.substr(5);
if (out[0] == '\'') {
string out2 = out.substr(1, out.size() - 2);
cout << out2 << endl;
} else if (out[0] == '\"') {
cout << double_quotes(out) << endl;
} else {
out = remove_extra_spaces(out);
string out2;
for (char c: out) {
if (c != '\\') {
out2 += c;
cout << out2 << endl;
} else if (command == "pwd") {
} else if (command == "cat") {
string out = input.substr(4);
if (out[0] == '\'') {
vector<string> files = extract_files_1(input);
} else if (out[0] == '\"') {
vector<string> files = extract_files_2(input);
} else if (command == "type") {
string out = input.substr(5);
if (out == "echo" || out == "exit" || out == "type" || out == "pwd" || out == "cd") {
cout << out << " is a shell builtin\n";
} else {
string path = get_path(out);
if (path.empty()) {
cout << out << ": not found\n";
} else {
cout << out << " is " << path << endl;
} else {
execute_program(command, args); // Call external program
cout << "$ " << flush; // Ensure prompt is printed after any command
return 0;