Bad run script for gleam

Piping gleam run output to grep drops the exit code.
I propose:

exec gleam run --module main -- "$@" | grep -v "Compiled in" | grep -v "Running main.main"
exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
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PIPESTATUS only works in bash… maybe use recently(4 days ago) merged no-print-progress flag

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Ok i got around it with this run script:


# TODO: Use --no-print-progress once is implemented
output=$(gleam run --module main -- "$@")

echo "$output" | tail -n +3
exit $code

Ahhh - I knew something was going to break when I was working on that hack :sweat:

Will keep an eye on the gleam repo and wait for the next minor release…

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I couldn’t get either script to work for me (the PIPESTATUS solution exited with 2 and the tail solution was failing on stdout checks for me). I ended up adding the line

set -o pipefail

above my exec call in So the full script looks like

# This script is used to run your program on CodeCrafters
# This runs after .codecrafters/
# Learn more:

set -e # Exit on failure
set -o pipefail # Prevent masking pipe failures

# TODO: Use --no-print-progress once is implemented
exec gleam run --module lox -- "$@" | grep -v "Compiled in" | grep -v "Running lox.main"

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I’ve had to modify this again for #WZ8. The expectation is error code 65, but the test runner reported error code 1.

Locally, I was seeing error code 65 reported after running. I suspect the set -o pipefail didn’t work for some reason on the test runner? So it was exiting with 65, but then the two grep commands ran and returned status code 1 (because there was no other stdout output, like the equivalent of echo "a\nb" | grep -v "a" | grep -v "b", which, if you follow up with echo $?, will print 1).

My new run script is

# This script is used to run your program on CodeCrafters
# This runs after .codecrafters/
# Learn more:

set -e # Exit on failure
set -o pipefail # Prevent masking pipe failures

# TODO: Use --no-print-progress once is implemented
exec gleam run --module lox -- "$@" | { grep -v "Compiled in" || true; } | { grep -v "Running lox.main" || true; }

@codebycaleb thanks for sharing this!

and just an update on this issue overall: Louis (Gleam maintainer) mentioned that the next release should be out this week or next, we’ll update as soon as that’s available!


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