Hi! Was wondering if anyone could point me to some documentation on how to go about setting things up so I only need to use the codecrafters CLI and not the git workflow?
The reason I ask is because I would like to have my all my work in one github repo. Is this possible
This isn’t possible, we need to receive git pushes on the CodeCrafters repository to be able to run tests quickly and send you test output. But once you have publish to github setup, all progress will be automatically pushed to your configured Github repository (like a Git mirror, essentially).
Also, ha just realized from your screenshot that I accidentally released the dark mode toggle - this isn’t ready yet, was supposed to be staff-only You’ll find a lot of places that are unfinished at the moment. It should revert back to light mode after the next deploy!
This isn’t possible, we need to receive git pushes on the CodeCrafters repository to be able to run tests quickly and send you test output.
I see, then what’s the purpose of the CLI then, if the git based workflow is necessary to getting started (genuinely curious).
Oh, I think I get it. The CLI is just an alternative to git-based verifications. All setup outside of testing and submissions still need to be done as specified (using the codecrafters repo). Is this right?
But once you have publish to github setup, all progress will be automatically pushed to your configured Github repository
I imagine this doesn’t work if the code is not sitting at the top level of the repo, right?